5ft6 & approx 8.5 stone – is anyone similar stats to me and if so what size cc? Started by: Leanne G

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  • Leanne G -1

    Hi 🙂

    I’m 5 ft 6, approx 8 and a half stone and bra size 32A/B, I’m wondering if anyone else has the same stats as me and if so what size implants did you go for?

    I am only researching at the moment I haven’t had a consultation yet.. I understand I’ll go through what will suit me at the consultation but I’m interested to see other people’s results too.

    I want them to look noticeable but not stupidly big if that makes sense.

    Thanks xxx

    Sally 8

    Hi Leanne
    Your the same stats as me although I was a small 32a. I have just had 350 hp unders on Thursday. My surgeon offered me 300,325,350. I went for the biggest and I’m glad I did as they are definitely the right size for my frame. Any bigger would of looked silly on me but everyone’s different xx

    Leanne G -1

    Hi Sally thanks for your reply 🙂
    Looking at photos I like the size of these. It’s good to hear you’re happy with them!
    What made you choose unders or is this up to the surgeon? What is the benefit of having them under the muscle? (I’ve noticed these seem to be more common) xx

    Sally 8

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    I had to have unders as I didn’t have enough breast tissue for overs 🙂 I’m 4dpo now and can finally say I’m feeling better, sleepings hit and miss as you have to sleep more or less sat up but I’m finally getting there. I’m so glad I had the op 🙂 xx

    Leanne G -1

    Ahh I see it goes on how much breast tissue you have .. that’s so good glad you’re recovering well!


    Hi Leanne I’m Simular Stats to you just 5ft7 and 8.9 I had 270cc was an empty B now I’m an E 6 weeks post op xxx

    Hannah 7

    Hi Leanne, I’m 2.5 weeks PO now and I am 5’7 and just over 8.5 stone and I had 350cc moderate plus unders. They were the max I was allowed but so far I feel really happy with how they are xxx

    Claire 10

    Hi Leanne, I’m a bit bigger than you: 5ft7, size 10/12, 58kg. I was a 32B and I’m now a 32E (7wpo – still loads of changes to come).
    I had 325 & 350cc unders in moderate plus profile. I’m so happy with my result.
    My surgeon recommended 375 & 400 to achieve a full DD but I saw some girls who were similar weight and height had that and came out Fs so I stuck to the size I liked when I tried sizers on (I recommend taking pictures of them on in your appointment to look back on as it’s easily forgotten, or make rice sizers – weigh out the cc size in grams of rice in a old pair of tights and pop it in a sports bra, it’s a rough idea on size).
    I didn’t go with mya so I’m not allowed to post pics unfortunately and I don’t have a BA insta account, but if you go on insta and search myaba loads of BA accounts will come up and might give you a better idea of sizes x

    Katiejane 1

    Hi, we are identical stats. I am 5ft6 and 8.5 stone. I measured at a 32B (more like an A) post op and had 345 cc unders high profile. I had Mr Netri and because of my small frame and lack of breast tissue he would not allow me to go any bigger. So glad I went with his suggestion, I am 5 weeks post op and couldn’t be happier. I could cry everytime I look in the mirror to see myself with breasts! Immediately post op I wore a 34DD support bra, I am currently at a 34D for comfort but my surgeon said after swelling subsides I should be 32D. Don’t have pics atm but will look to get some before and afters uploaded this weekend.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Katiejane 1.
    Sally 8

    Hi Leanne, I’ve just been to my 1wpo appointment and had my stitches removed. I’ll post a pic for you now, I’m so happy. Still lots of changes to come 🙂 xx

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    Ramla 27

    I’m 5’7, 8st 2 and had 375uhp in May this year

    Abbie 11

    Hi Leanne,

    I’m 5ft6, 8st6 and I’m currently a 32B. I want to achieve a full DD so my surgeon recommended 350, 375 or 400cc either overs or unders. I’m going for 400cc HP subfascials in October. As soon as you try on the sizers you’ll know straight away what suits you! I originally was set on 300cc just through seeing pictures. Trying them on makes a massive difference xx


    I’m 5’6 and about 8 stone (32A bra) at my consult i was suggested 225cc and that the very slightly wider implant would maybe felt underneath and may leave stretch marks and she wanted to do that one under the muscle but would give me 225cc as overs. tbh when i tried the sizers on the 225ccs looked good and fit my frame and looked to me like a full C but I am worried as everyone here seems to have had bigger implants and achieved a D cup which is my ideal to be honest – really unsure what to do?! I am a 6 on top so I suppose I can’t go for any huge implants. any advice??

    Kerrie Bilson 35

    Hi Leanne, I’m a stone heavier than you but I’ve just had 520cc hp unders.. I’m an inch shorter than you though! I love mine but currently measuring a 32f 3 weeks post op lol hoping to be an E once they are settled.. I didn’t go with mya but I have a BA Insta account it’s redroseba.13.08.18


    Hi sally
    Do you have any before / after pics I’m the same stats as you and I’m scared to even get the consultations

    Sally 8

    Hi Jodie sorry for the late reply. I’ll post some pics now. I’m 3wpo tomorrow so still lots of changes to come! I’m so glad I did it though xx

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    Sally 8

    This ones 10 days P.O. xx

    Ann 13

    hey, I have same status, size 8 , on the top before 34 A/B. I had my op 10 days ago, wanted to go for 350 cc but my surgeon said defo 325 is a max for my frame, not much tissue as well so like he said – can end up with stretch marks etc. So had 325cc under the muscle high profile, really pleased so far, just waiting when they will drop, flaff and get bigger :).

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