6 week post op—- need advise Started by: kimbo

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  • kimbo 1

    hi ladies. i’m 6 weeks post op and have now started to wear a normal bra through the day. (First day yesterday).
    need advise for anyone who is at this stage because i am not in a lot of pain. couldnt sleep last night because of pain in the boobs. today has been just as bad. keep getting really sharp stabbing pains mainly in the right one. no redness or burning but i dont feel great either. i didnt know if the pain was caused through them being able to move more with no being as restricted as in the sports bra. has anyone else had this? 🙁

    aprile 1

    Hi 🙂 i remember when i first started wearing normal bras it was painful to begin with, then kind of swapped for my sports bra on alternate days. It does get comfier eventually! And the sharp pains will more than likely be you nerves re connecting 🙂 joy! Lol. I still get them now in my left one (along with aches lately!) everyones different but id still tale it a bit easy. 🙂 hope ur feelin better! Xxx

    kimbo 1

    thank you for that. make me feel a little less worried. it is scary all the different aches and pains you get aint it

    aprile 1

    Yeah it is daunting! I remember being in work and did a little jog and it hurt like hell! I was worried id damaged the pocket and all sorts! I really did get my moneys worth with the poor nurses! I was in every other day worried about this n that lol. Its your body and its a big deal. Hope you’re happy with your results so far 🙂 xxx


    Hi aprile i was wondering after 6 weeks post op do u still wear sports bra to bed and can u sleep on your front
    .. IM only 2 days post op so got ages to go yet… And kimbo bet your pleased to go out and buy some nice sexy bras and get measured


    2 weeks not 2 days

    kimbo 1

    Aprie, very happy with results lol
    Jamie it was great to finally get measured and it was a surprise at the size as i dont think i look that big at all. great to put a normal bra on, and lace oooooo brill. lol

    i am still wearing a sports bra to bed. infact i change it as soon as i get in. still being a little careful. i still cant sleep on front. manage on side for a couple of hours.

    this is my second ba. first was 14 years ago and i remember that i couldnt sleep laying down for about 3 months. it was hell. so i must say all you ladies on hear are doing great and being very brave. wish i would have had a site like this then.


    What u couldn’t sleep on ur front for 3 months ? And ohh did they go through the same scar on your second ba or have got 2 scars just looked at ur pics and can only see one scar but the other might have just been really faded. How come u got another one done. Did it rupture or just want a new size? What bra size did you come out as? Was it what u asked for?

    aprile 1

    This forum has been great and so many nice and helpful girls! I still wear my sports bra to bed.. Im scared not to incase i lean on one in my sleep (that makes it sound like they’re under my armpits! – there not) ha just more comfy. And i do manage to sleep on my front but i still worry im gonna squash them ! And not quite as comfy as pre op… I feel like a good excuse for a nice big expensive tempur mattress coming on… Ha xxx

    becky 1

    I am 7 weeks and got the all clear last weel to wear a normal bra so wemt to cardiff and spent 200pound on bra and theyare all so uncomfy 🙁 i have just been braless, hoping it will help them drop more! Xxx


    Becky when u go bra less do they still feel really heavy or just normal now … That’s such a shame can u not take them back

    kimbo 1

    jamie. remember they must have done it very different then but no i couldnt even lay flat. i had to sleep sitting up using pillows.. i have only one scar. mr kazarzi went through the same one.
    it wasnt something i would have done again but yes it ruptured and was also leaking so had to either have them out or re-done. couldnt bare to live without them.. i dont even know what size implants i had previously. one surgeon said i was prob b cup on my own without implants . i had 4155 and came out 36F. very happy


    Hi kimbo..sorry can’t advise as I’m only just over 2weeks post op but I do get the odd random pain hear and there but they only last a few seconds. Have you phoned the clinic? It might be that the boobs are just getting used to without a sports bra. Sorry to hear your previous ruptured and leaked…can I ask how did you know this happened / how did it feel ? And is it common at 14 years post op?

    kimbo 1

    not usre if it common or not. i found a lump in one of my breasts so dr sent me for a mamogram, i then had to have an ultra sound scan and thats wear they found the rupture. one specialist at a sheffield hospital said it was not ruptured but i was not sure so i went to see kazarzi and he was certain it was ruptured. didnt know it was leaking until the ba

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