6 weeks post op – Just been measured!! * Started by: missmanace

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  • emma

    Hiya Missmanace,
    …. 32F!!!wow.. thats my size aswell…. Mind you these bigger implants of mine are a real pain to find bras for. Got measured at Debenhams 30G (was soooo not convinced).The lady said I had a smaller back than 32 (i’ve always worn 32 backs)…beleive me a 30 was crippling on my back. How are you finding your implants ??when I had the 340ccs they were easy to buy bras for now with the 700ccs I really don’t know what size they are regardless of being measured ????
    32f fits fine around the implant but they peak slightly at the nipple…E cup bras don’t fit round the implant and are too small on cup….Major bra malfunctions!!!. What make of bras do you have?. I’ve tried everything from Bravissimo,Kate Price collection etc ..I’ve wasted so much money so far bra buying..
    Beleive it or not I’ve a tesco push up bra thats a DD that sort of fits ok (bra sizing is so different depending on make). I keep having to wear the dreaded sports bras still..I know hiddeous but I don’t know what elese to do..!!! I need a bra maker arrrghhhh.
    How are you anyway we spoke a while ago on the forum.



    Hi joworrow did u have uplift too?x


    Itching is a good sign, means the scars are healing! Mr Adamo is brilliant, my scars are unbelievably neat :-) 3 weeks post op today and wearing 32E and F bras! They really don’t look that big though, i’m very much in proportion xx


    Hi ktlun yes i feel like mine r going to fall out!!First thing in the morn my chest&sternum feel sooo heavy&bruised&wen i finally get up its awful but once im up&about its much better.My stiches r also burning&itchy!x


    hahahaah missmanace that’s amazing!!!!!!! Congrats on your 32F’s!!!!!! Wow!! I read that you don’t think you’re big enough!! I feel like that too!!!! So do you think the padded bras are better then?? I cannot wait to get measured, but for some reason I reckon I’m only going to be a C!!

    Awwwww Emma, you have to sell your clothes??? I suppose the upside is that you will have loads of gorgeous new clothes to wear!!!

    Do you ladies feel like your implants are going to fall out through the stitches everytime you sit up???? Its not a very nice feeling, but my stitches burn too!

    Good luck ladies!!


    x x x x


    Hehe you do make me laugh.

    I noticed you managed to sunbathe on your front. .. I got back off holiday with a white back like laying on 2 beach balls (nice)!!!

    I’ll message you tomorrow … its always fun chatting boobs!!


    missmanace 2

    OMG emma iv got serious boob greed! I keep telling everyone they seem small haha what we like!
    I will definatly go bigger when I have them redone :crazy:
    Im the same, its mad to think im an F cup they dont look it, everyone else has been saying they look big though! I suppose its like you say though you kind of get used to them and they become the norm. I brought some unpadded bras but im definatly staying with the padded push ups lol I love that look!!
    iv lost abit of sensation under my nipples but its coming back slowly, im sure youl get it back hun!
    The weight gain will be your boobies, I put on about 2lb with mine, its a bloody pain lol.



    Hiya Missmanace,
    I’m fine..I’m loving the bigger boobs but my wardrobe is now in malfunction. Having to sell all my dresses on ebay as boobs too big, cant find bras arrrrrgh…. Keep wearing my sports bras luuurvely!!! I’ve wasted money on bras but have re-sold on ebay at a loss but least I got a bit back. My trouble is I never keep receipts. I bought an ultimo 32f and that fitted but it was a gel filled bra so I looked like Dolly Parton in it hehe!!! Do you find that you still look for padded and uplifting bras?? I thought once I went over a DD I’d stop all this and go for normal bras.. Still trying on padded and wanting to make my boobs look bigger its mad.
    My F’s look like an E.
    Do you find yours dont look a true F, I’m not convinced mine are an F???.
    Implants always look different to normal boobs.
    I imagined a 700cc on me to be huge outwards… but they are not at all, just bigger circles…I’m thrilled and they are just what I wanted but I could happily have a bit more now !!!hehe(no room though I wish).
    Do you think you’ll ever have bigger in years to come???. You know my last boobs I had 10 years…long time …what was a big 340cc was normal after time!!
    My boobs really ache every morning (my own fault for having a big implant) and I’ve still not too much sensation in my left nipple. Arrrghh hope the senastion comes back but if not… ah well least Ive got new boobs!!

    ps. I’ve put on weight with the new implants …are you good at maths ???what does 700cc(right boob) + 700cc (left boob)equal in pounds?…I can then work out if Its the boobs that weigh more or my overeating!!!! 4 pounds have gone on the scales since op!!!

    Hey keep in touch… its always a laugh chatting!!

    God I could talk all day about boobs!!!


    missmanace 2

    Hello Emma

    How are you? Im feeling great, havent had trouble finding bras to fit my shape just had trouble getting my size!
    If im honest I keep wearing my sports bras too specially at night and the odd days. Havent splashed the cash on alot of bras yet im waiting for pay day but im planning on spending a few hundred lol. il let you know when iv tried a few different brands on. I wore ultimo alot before my op they are always a great fit, you should try them!

    missmanace 2

    Just been measured and im a 32F!! Wowww

    Able to wear my nice new bras now its great to take off those sports bras!

    Any Q’s feel free to ask :bigsmile:


    Sizes are weird! I’m having 380 overs and I’m hoping to be a D…DD at a push but don’t want them any bigger! I keep having a peek at all the big bras in shops and grinning to myself – I need to stop that!! ha ha!
    Is it true bigger bras cost more?? Thats what everyones telling me? x

    missmanace 2

    Hey girls!

    The bra shopping is the best part :) You can literally wear any bra you want, no god damn padding lol…

    Rio – I honestly wouldnt worry hun, I wore D/DD bras pre op so im prop slightly bigger than you are naturally anyway, i must say tho its difficult getting such a big bra for a tiny back!!



    WOW!!! i cant wait to be able to wear real bras again lol although im thinking its guna cost us girls a small fortune in replacing all our old bras!!!! ha ha ha

    I still find it really strange how differant sized implants affect differant women!!!

    Rio i really wouldnt worry i spoke to loads of women who had the same sized and projected implant as me as there sizes ranged from a D to a FF :shocked:
    The final size you end up is definatly down to the individual and there are lot of things to take into account xx


    OMG, that’s fab news hun but got me kinda worried cos I’m the same as you pre-op, 32 c/d and having 460 overs, god does that mean I’m gonna end up a G?? really hope not.


    OMG 32F wowzer !!!!!

    I also had 380 hp overs 4 weeks ago today, and i’ve gone from a small 36B to 36DD :)

    Can’t wait to go bra shopping :) xx

    missmanace 2

    I was originally a full C/D cup and had 380cc overs. I got the size I wanted however they dont look massive or ott they look very natural! Its the best thing I did, im very happy with them! :bigsmile:


    Yeah was gonna ask the same as Helen!! x


    hiya missmance, were you hoping for an f and what size were your implants?xx

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