6 weeks post op – thinking of revision augmentation already Started by: Saya

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  • Saya 1

    Hi girls,

    I am 6 week post op and I am not happy with my BA. I hate taking my bra off. They do not look like anything like I expected. Its very small and I’m very disappointed. How long shall I wait ?


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    Hiya, I am 9 weeks post op and feel the exact same! I have lost hope that they will change now! I feel your pain honestly 🙁

    Jordan 6

    Hi girls, what size did you both have?


    I had 550cc overs x

    124 mya

    hey girls- im in the same boat but 6months post op. been back to my surgeon twice and dismissed completely. looking at going to other surgeons for an opinion😔

    Kezz 4

    I’m in same boat 8 months PO and my surgeon seems to think they look fine. I’m really really really upset about the result so booked another appt with her in July

    Miss M 10

    Hi Ladies.

    i’m sorry to hear your all unhappy with your results. I can relate as……

    I’ve just had revision surgery 6 days ago. The process was very easy and i’ve had constant support by MYA. I had to wait a year for scarring to fully heal before i could book my revision. Mya called me i had an appointment with my surgeon & then i had my surgery booked for less than 2 months later.

    Everyone at Birmingham Mya have been so fantastic and even the call centres have been great.

    My surgeon was supportive and has been lovely since day 1.

    Hopefully my story can give you some comfort and i hope once the dust has settles you’ll all love your new boobies, if not don’t be scared of the revision process .

    if you have any questions feel free to ask x

    good luck x

    Beth 2

    Hi miss m hope you’re happy with your new girls!
    How’s your recovery been second time round?
    I’m booked in end of the month for my reaug x

    Saya 1

    Hey girls, sorry i hadn’t checked if i had any replies. I got 325 cc. This was the biggest implant that the surgeon chose for me. When i tried the implant on at the clinic, they looked good, but now that they’re in, they look so much smaller. I have an appointment with him on 22nd June and will see what he says.

    Saya 1

    My boobs have changed a lot but its not the size I had in mind. I expected to be obsessed with them and I’m not. My confidence level is completely the same, I wanted the since I was 18 and I’m now 27. It just sucks that I wanted this long for it and yet I’m not obsessed with it

    Saya 1

    Hi Beth and M, did you guys pay again for the revision or did the surgeon agree to it ? xxx

    Beth 2

    Hey Saya, I had the same issue when I had my first BA. The surgeon told me the max I could have is 300cc due to no breast tissue, a lot of ladies have this problem with their first BA. Unfortunately we can’t go with a larger implant first time round if there’s not much tissue to start with.

    I’m due to have my second BA at the end of the month, he’s letting me have 510cc this time.
    A lot of girls who are having 700cc+ either have a lot of tissue to start with or it’s their 2nd even 3rd BA!!

    I’m paying for my next BA, it’s been 9 years since my first!!

    I think they recommend to wait around 12 months before having another BA? I’m not 100% sure though

    I’d give it a little more time though, 3 months post op then 6 months post op my boobs changed soooo much!! Xx

    Saya 1

    Hey Beth
    That probably makes sense for me too. I had 0 breast tissue as I was completely flat and with the lifestyle I have in terms of gym, he said this is the best for me. Yh I will see what happens after 6 months. This friday will be 10 weeks for me.

    Yep thats correct they say you have to wait a year before you can have another one.

    Which doctor are you having your BA with? xx

    Beth 2

    Hopefully once they’ve settled you’ll start liking them, I hated mine at first and I read a lot of girls are the same. But you just have to think end of the day the surgeon knows what their doing, you could of had so many complications if you went for a larger implant first time round
    I’d rather have smaller boobs than messed up boobs 🤣 suppose we just have to trust they know best! As frustrating as it is
    Did you go with the max you were offered?

    I’m not having my ba with mya, I didn’t have my first one done with mya either but this forum really helped me first time round 😊 xx

    Saya 1

    Yh 100% agree. I read some girls didn’t listen to their surgeon and chose bigger implants. I don’t think I would’ve had the nerve to do that. I’d rather have smaller boobs than bigger too. You can always wear push-up bras.

    And yep, this was the biggest he chose for me out of the 4 implants we tried.. it looked the perfect size but now it feels too small once it’s actually in my body rather than on top. I have an appt with him on 22nd, I’m going to ask if the implant he chose was based on what I asked for in terms of result or just the largest I could’ve done base dr on breast tissue.

    I tried to insert pics but it says my pics are too large. Xx

    Aww okay, so excited for you!! Xx

    Miss M 10

    Mya paid for the revision. if you get it done you can get free revision only if agreed by the surgeon & mya for up to 2 years.

    Miss M 10

    second time round is easy as the area was numb after the first one . Yoi can’t really feel much when they go in the same place. barely any swelling aswell.

    Not sure if the problem is completely fixed only time will tell x

    • This reply was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by Miss M 10.
    Saya 1

    Hey M, what was the reasoning of your revision ? was it just that you were unhappy with the size ? or did you have health related complications ?

    Miss M 10

    I bottomed out quite badly. my breasts were like diamond shape hard to describe but to deformed to post a photo lol . Awful looking.

    Still sweating worried they are going to be the same. just got to wait and hope the revision worked.

    Saya 1

    Aww, hope it’s gone perfectly this time round xxxx

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