6 weeks post op today! Started by: Alf

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  • Alf 11

    Hi guys

    I’m 6 weeks post op today but my appointment with my surgeon isn’t til the 10th August which is annoying!

    I’ve had a really lucky and easy recovery (so far anyway!) and my boobs have dropped and fluffed quite a bit since my op!

    I was just wondering what everyone was told on their 6 week appointment, like which bras you’re able to wear, can I wear a bikini as I go on holiday in a week and which bikini would you recommend?

    I want to start exercising again but not sure what I’m able to do or what I should avoid? I feel totally normal now but don’t want to risk anything.

    Thank you!

    Alf 11

    Anyone :)?

    Sylvianna 47

    Hey from what I know you can wear whatever you like post-6 weeks 🙂 cant wait for when this is me! apparently you should always be careful with push up bras and wired bras though, not that theyll damage boobies but not the best for them! shouldnt really need them much anyway !! 🙂

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun my sugeon and nurse told me no push up bras or wired till 12 weeks think it all depends on your sugeon and what they go by xxx

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