6 weeks – will they get bigger? Started by: Jo B

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  • Jo B 17

    Hi girls
    I’m 6 weeks po and still feel like they are too small, will they grow anymore?
    Any feedback would be great xx

    Ellie 65

    I am unsure about them getting bigger as I am only 5 weeks post op! I hope so though, would love to know also x

    Vicki -1

    Have yours gone bigger each week I’m only 5 days post op and mine aren’t much bigger than started with when will I start to see a difference? Thanks

    Jo B 17

    No mine haven’t got bigger at all just hoping they do lol. Got my 6 week check on sat so will see what the nurse says x

    Ellie 65

    Mine have got smaller but less stuck on looking, and i think they only look smaller because they were so swollen x

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun they will defo drop a fluff a lot more most people thing 6 weeks if when there settled and that’s our finally results but it’s really not I’m nearly 6 months post op now and the other went to put a bra on and found it far too small my boobs had suddenly dropped and fluffed more just to add I’ve put no weight on or lost any since my op either so it’s defo drop and fluff lol ???? they can change up to a year post op girls patient is the key altho I know none of us has that lol xxxx

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