615cc's Started by: Becci

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  • Becci

    Hey guys, anyone got pics of 615’s, I have a 5 year old daughter who i breastfed and now i have lost 4 stone since having her, so i’m a B cup, was a E when i breastfed and hoping to go back to that size! I miss my boobs haha xx


    I had 615’s about 2 weeks ago xx


    How did it go? It’s so annoying you don’t really know what size you’ll be as everyone’s results are different! How are you recovering? I have to do quite a bit of lifting at work so i’m not sure how much time to book off :s xx


    Yeah all went well I took 9 days off but I was still a little uncomfortable going back to work on mon, this is my second op and I had under the muscle both times, so I think it was not as painful as there was already a pocket in the muscle. I would say 2 weeks off should be plenty, is it heavy stuff you would be lifting? Xx


    Yeah i’m lifting patients and lugging heavy bags around all day lol. I’m thinking of 4 weeks just to be safe, will be so nice to have 4 weeks off work haha. They look fab hun, i’m so excited 😀 can’t get the time off until January though, feels so far away!! xx

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