6dpo left side still hurting Started by: Joanne

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  • Joanne 54

    Any advice girls. Apart from day 2 I’ve managed my pain quite well but my left boob is still tender and I’ve not got as much movement on my left side as my right. Still struggling pick anything up, lot worse in the morning but still a lot more achy, tender and tight plus a sharp pain through out the day. Really annoying me as my right one has no pain at all and I am able do everything without any twinges. Going have my dressing off tomorrow so will speak with the nurse as well but wants no Is this normal for one be like this and how long will it last, xxx

    lauren 18

    I am exactly the same I’ve had no trouble what so ever with my right but my left can stop me in my tracks!! Strapping is off today il see what she says and post back! Xx

    Joanne 54

    Thank you. It’s so annoying isn’t it, xxx

    lauren 18

    Had strapping off- she said it’s all fine- just sometimes how it goes but mine looked like to be healing well and she is pleased! So don’t worry! Xx

    Joanne 54

    That’s brill. Thank you. Was starting get a bit worried with my right one feeling so good compared to my left. Are you happy with your results, as u don’t get see them with strapping on do you?? Xxx

    lauren 18

    375cc partials. I’ll attached photo of them now 1 week post op after strapping is off xx

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    Joanne 54

    They look amazing. Xx

    Kimberley 3

    Hey ladies. I had my strapping off today too and queried my left hurting more than my right. She said everything looked fine. Still frustrating that my right has barely any pain but leftie feels the need to still twinge and not let me lift my arm entirely.
    Hope your lefties settle soon xx

    Yvette 85

    I’m also in pain with my right but my left has no pain in what so ever…stabbing pains, and numbness ….left one is absolutely fine….worrying :/ xx

    Joanne 54

    I don’t think it’s anything worry about just one of the things we’ve got through to get nice boobies lol. Mine seems to have eased as today as gone on but I’m now getting really bad tightness under my boobs. I’ve brought a back size bigger but feel like it getting to tight now. Doesn’t help how bloated I am, which is driving me insane. Xxx

    Hannah 214

    I have a stabbing pain in my right one now, its absolutely killing! It hurts where the drain was as well so I have a feeling it’s bruised. Do you think it could be where I’m trying to do to much with the arm? X

    sabrina 92

    It’s all normal the odd pain and aches last for weeks x

    Joanne 54

    I went for my 1 week post op yesterday and it’s all normal. When u see the bruising under your bandage as well you will understand the pain more lol. I’m black and blue xxx

    Hannah 214

    Ah I’m not looking forward to seeing bruising I will probably pass out haha! Roll on tomorrow when I can have a look xx

    lauren 18

    ice will be your hero.. there will be nothing wrong ive just been through it you will be really bruised I had it all on my left side I was panicing so much!
    last 2 days ive felt great again and every day goes by the pain subsides.
    you will be surprised there wont be that much bruising there to see I don’t think I only have a yellow bruise left in between my cleavage that now runs up onto the top of my chest but none else where!
    good luck getting strapping off tomorrow you will all be fine – its last part of the process once that’s off you get to see and feel like a new woman!! xxx

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