7 days post op 350cc high profile partials + progress pics Started by: Charlotte

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  • Charlotte 41

    So ladies. I’m 7 days post opp and finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel lol! feeling much better movement wise and now not taking any painkillers at all! I have quite sore armpits and swelled lymph nodes but I think that’s due to sweat as I struggled to lift my arms the first few days. I’ll insert some progress pics but I’m very happy atm!

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    Stephanie 7

    They look lovely! Who was ur consultant?

    Kay 48

    What surgeon did you have and are you happy with the size x

    Charlotte 41

    I had Dr Mahdi. Yes I’m very happy with the size as my frame is quite petite and I think there the perfect size not too big x

    Kay 48

    What’s your height and weight. Iv been offered 355cc but I’m 5ft 2, 8st 9 x


    They look great chick x

    Charlotte 41

    I’m 5 ft 4 and weigh about 8.5 x

    Bonnie 4

    They look so good!! I’ve been offered 350 or 375 and they look perfect size. Did you have a nipple lift?? X

    Charlotte 41

    Aw Thankyou! Yeah I did have a nipple lift on my right side so I’m interested to see what they look like when I get my dressings off on Thursday! Eeek! X

    Laura 41

    Hi Charlotte, they look amazing!! I’m planning on booking my surgery with Mr Mahdi on monday for September, I’m going for 350cc hp so I’m hoping mine turn put like yours!! I to also need a nipple lift on my left breast how has the pain etc been? Xx

    Laura 41

    Also what was your before size if you don’t mind me asking xx

    Charlotte 41

    Aw good luck! I have struggled the first few days. The feeling was very tight on my chest so could only take little breaths and you can’t really move your arms there very stiff & aching. The sleeping is really hard as you have to sleep sitting up right on your back and I’m used to sleeping on my front. So I am struggling with that but I feel a difference today my chests a lot less tight and I can do a lot for my self now as my arms arnt aching that much anymore and I’m now taking no painkillers. There still very hard and a little numb (Ano this all sounds negative) but wanted to give you the honest truth about the recovery as it is hard he first few days but as you see them change it’s soo worth it!! I was a 32B before hand. Hope this helps xx

    Laura 41

    Ahhh god I’m scared haha ive got 2 kids 1 year old and 8 year old so I’m petrified now :/ thank you for being honest. I honestly can’t wait but scared to I just can’t wait to have a pair do you know how your nipple scar looks yet or still to early? Are you happy with the size and stuff at the min xxx

    Charlotte 41

    But it is doable just get the first few days over with n hopefully you’ll have someone around you to help with your children too! I can’t see my scars just yet I’m getting the dressings off on Thursday so I will give you an update then!& yes I’m very happy with everything and how they are looking and feeling! Xx

    Bonnie 4

    Could you also let me know how your nipple lift looks please. Dr Mahdi suggested a nipple lift for me too, I’ve never ever noticed it before so I’m in two minds on having it as it is a lot of extra money! Hope your recovering well xxx

    Charlotte 41

    Hi yes I will let you know. It’s is a lot more money and I didn’t notice mine either so I will let you know on Thursday xxx

    Megan 35

    They look amazing Charlotte! I’m the same in terms of the pain etc: I’ve stopped taking pain killers too. Back to the clinic tomorrow to get dressings changed but will try and update soon. Xx

    katie 5

    they look amazing! how much difference is the nipple lift if you don’t mind me asking? I’m seeing dr Mahdi on 18th aAug for surgical opinion and he’s seen my photos and has advised a possible nipple lift xxx

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