7 days post op – new pics – Mr Traynor :) Started by: Michelle

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  • Michelle -4

    Hi girlies
    I had my 7 day check up appointment this morning. The nurse removed my dressings and said she was very pleased with the scars and my boobs! I find the scars a bit gruesome and make me feel sick, but happy that the nurse thought they looked ok! I have a small blister on my left boob which is from the dressing. I still have some swelling down the middle of my chest and my right boob! So once that settles it will feel & look much better!
    Getting better bit by bit each day and slowly able to do more things, just a bit sore now and again! Trying to be very careful with the twins ha need to look after them! My new babies 😀 don’t feel ready to drive just yet!
    I have new photos up on my profile, unfortunately they have uploaded upside down which is annoying :-/
    I asked the nurse about exercising, about going the swimming baths and she said don’t do it for 6 weeks too as you don’t know what is in the water! Don’t want to risk any infections etc ekkk so I will definitely be avoiding that!
    Any questions feel free to ask 🙂
    I had 415cc and 385cc naturelle, overs! Slightly worried they are a bit too big lol let me know what you guys think?!
    but can’t wait for a few weeks to pass once they are fully healed & settled down xxx


    Can I add you please michelle? What are your stats? Xx

    Michelle -4

    Hi Siobhan 🙂 yer sure, they are on my profile..
    Size 12
    Weight 10.2/3
    Height 5″5

    Taylor 1

    Hi do u mind if I add u? I’m in on the 11th of feb with ml Dr traynor and im petrified!! My stats are similar xx

    India 6

    can I add you too michelle 🙂 x

    Michelle -4

    Hi @taylor that’s fine 🙂
    Rr don’t be scared, honestly your in safe hands! I still can’t get over how nice the hospital and staff were! You are in and out before you know it! It was my first time in hospital ever! Mr Traynor is great with many many years experience! Do you know what size your going for? X

    India 6

    just realised ive already got you as a friend haha! they look so good, I think they look a perfect size for you! x

    Whitney 1

    Michelle they look amazing! My turn tomorrow with Mr traynor soo excited but I think some nerves are starting to creep in x

    Taylor 1

    I think im getting 480 overs! Are u over or under? I really like how yours look as I don’t want mine looking mega fake! Xxx


    Hope you don’t mind the add Hun 🙂

    Michelle -4

    I got overs.. Same, I wanted them too look natural! Didn’t want the fake look! Glad I never went any bigger!
    Yes course you can 🙂


    Do you mind if I add you Michelle?


    Hope you don’t mind the add. Happy healing :)) x

    Michelle -4

    Add away! Let me know what you think 🙂 x

    Clare 1

    Hi hope you dont mind me adding you – I having 410 unders on monday eeek x


    Hope you don’t mind me adding you? I have an appointment with mr traynor next Wednesday and would love to see his work.

    Michelle -4

    I will add you now girls 🙂 x


    Do you mind if I add you Hun? X


    Is it ok to add you @michelle ? I’m having dr traynor I’m April x x

    Whitney 1

    Michelle I had mr traynor today he was lively they all are here at first trust very happy xx

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