7 days post op shape ?? Started by: Natalie Hulston

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    Hi girls, I’m starting to notice the shape in my boobs they aren’t round I can’t explain the shape of them so I’ve attached some pictures.

    Is the shaping normal & will they sort themselves out? The picture doesn’t do a lot of justice to explain what I mean but they kind off stick out at the sides instead of falling round?

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    Stacey 496

    Hi Hun they will no doubt settle and sort them selfs out in next couple of weeks Hun I’m 4dpo and mine are a wierd shape aswell I hate mine at the min but I know they have a long way to go and settle xxx

    Laura 47

    I think they look fab! You’ve had an uplift too? The shape looks great and they don’t look a boxy shape. It’s still very early days so they’re still going to change so much. I wouldn’t worry at this stage x


    The ‘cone’ like appearance is completely normal, don’t worry! It’s just where the implant is still sitting high and hasn’t dropped into the pocket yet 🙂 xx


    Thanks Stacey just can’t help being cautious first few weeks when it’s all new to you, hope your settle soon! X

    Thanks Laura, yeah I had an uplift too so extra worrying about the whole recovery! Driving me crazy atm xx

    Thanks Danielle, it’s good to be reassured when you don’t know much, should of done my research a bit more! Thanks dollie xx

    Stacey 496

    I’m the same @natalie this whole recovery is a massive rollacoaster ain’t it I suppose as long as we are in love with our final results it shouldn’t matter what they look like recovering xxx


    Didn’t think I would be feeling so down as I am, i just feel horrible the fact I can’t have a shower or wash properly, even do my hair or little things.. I’m bloated as anything and tablets make me feel so sick.. the main one is lying on my back constantly my back is just as sore as my boobs. Didn’t think there would be so much pain and upset with it. Just hope it passes and can start to enjoy my new boobies! Xx

    Laura 47

    Oh I feel you! My back is killing me, I haven’t slept properly for 3 nights. I’m scared to death as my boobs are huge but I’m praying it’s mainly swelling! I feel filthy, my hairs a mess and my stomachs bloated and sore. I’m wearing joggers still as my jeans are too uncomfortable to fasten! To make it worse I weighed myself this morning!! Who does that?? Lol!
    I keep thinking by the end of next week the swelling should be less, the bloating gone and maybe more sleep? It’s tougher than I thought it would be.
    Give it a few more days and we’ll all be feeling (and looking) better!! Xxx


    what did you have done Laura? Hahaha so I’m not the only one who is feeling like a tramp then?! It’s horrible I get my drains taken off tomorrow, so hopefully that’ll help me feel better, then I need to wash my hair get some make up on & buy some new clothes to make me feel like a girl again cos right now I feel the worst!! But seems like everyone goes through this stage so hopefully passes very soon !! Xx

    Laura 47

    I had 375 overs which makes sense that my actual boobs aren’t the problem pain wise! The incisions burn and I’m just so swollen and tight but I’m able to move my arms ok!
    I’m defo like a tramp! ???? Youve had so much more done by having an uplift too. Don’t be too hard on yourself? Just give it a few weeks then go on a massive shopping spree! I’m going to stay in my compression bras for the full 6 weeks then get measured just in case they change x


    Sounds bad but I don’t even understand these size implants, I didn’t get to choose mine so no clue what I even had.. it’s awful isn’t it just hope it gets easier & can start enjoying my new boobies.. I go on holiday in like 5 weeks so praying they heal fast .. hope you start to feel better! Xx

    Laura 47

    Most of the stress is picking the right size implant so at least that wasn’t an issue! My pre op nurse recommended lots of protein to help you heal quicker. You want to make sure your fully healed before your hols! I’m living off eggs and protein yogurts! Fingers crossed you feel better soon too x


    Oh really I didn’t know! I’ll give that a try, I’ve just been eating shit all weekend so bet I’ve put weight on not being able to exercise so need to change my diet too!! Thanks dollie you too! Xx

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