7 days today until my op! Started by: Georgia

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  • Georgia 14

    I’m having surgery with Dr Netri a week today! So nervous.. have had operations twice before but never a ba! Is the pain that bad?! I’m an absolute wimp, lol. More worried about having the cannula put in and being put to sleep more than anything as I was really sick before ????????xx

    Jordan 15

    I’m now 4 weeks post op, I am also a massive wimp but I promise you it’s really not that bad! I only took paracetamol for 3 days! Don’t get me wrong, it’s uncomfortable and frustrating being so limited on movement, but it will be totally worth it! I also hated the thought of the canula but it takes seconds and I have pretty much zero memory of it! I have also been sick after operations before, but was absolutely fine after my boobs! I felt a bit queasy when I got back to my room (15 minutes after waking up!) but I went straight on my phone and felt more dizzy then nausea! They gave me anti sickness during surgery and an injection when I said I felt rough and within minutes I felt fine again. It’ll be the best thing you’ve ever done 🙂 xx

    Georgia 14

    Thanks for you reply.. put me at ease! Can’t wait now 🙂 xx

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