7 months Post Op Septorhinoplasty swelling Started by: nokiaman

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    Hi guys,

    I had septo-rhinoplasty just over 7 months ago now. I have a severely deviated septum and I absolutely hated my nose, I was also unable to breathe through my right nostril. Mr Gonschoir performed my surgery and although it was a successful surgery he did have to perform two grafts on my nose and straighten out my cartilage which he has done successfully. It was a very complex operation. However, the main problems now are breathing and swelling. There still appears to be a lot of swelling on my nose, especially on the tip. My tip is quite big and fat; I also go to the gym four times a week (which always adversely affects swelling). When I am tired, stressed or have done extensive physical activity my nose swells up even more, especially on the tip and I am unable to breathe well as a result. Previous to the operation I was unable to breathe through my right nostril but I do have some days (less than half though since the op) where I am able to breathe through my right nostril. I am just worried that my nose isn’t healing right or that my nose won’t change much as I am still not satisfied with the tip. I am just hoping there is a lot of swelling still on the tip and therefore a reduction in size will take place. When pictures are being taken, although my nose finally looks straight, it looks fat and I absolutely hate that. My gut feeling tells me it is swelling and there appears to be a lot of swelling surrounding my cartilage and where the two grafts where performed. I was just wondering if anyone had any advice to calm my fears. As my operation was really complex I understand it will take a while, even up to a year and a half to heal but I haven’t seen any changes for months and months, it’s getting me down a little. My nose feels quite hard and tough around my nostrils and cartilage area so I am hoping more progress will come. You know how people push their nostrils upwards when they are itch their nose… I am definitely unable to do that at this stage, the area is far too sensitive and swollen.
    I am just looking for reassurance really and hope that the swelling will finally go down. I am very grateful for the operation and the bone and cartilage have been straightened out so I am very happy about that it’s just that there is SO much swelling around the tip at the moment and it’s been there for months and months.
    Thank you to any replies I may get.


    Hun, I haven’t had mine yet, but I hear mr g is the best there is. Have you gone back to see him? X

    ducky01 4

    Aww poor you hun I haven’t had any surgery but being a long term sufferer with breathing difficulties I can understand how low it gets you but all I can suggest unfortunately is speaking to your nurse if you haven’t already & to see the surgeon again for some advice & reassurance x

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