7 weeks post op Started by: Marlise Smuts

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  • Marlise Smuts 26

    Hi ladies, I’m 7 weeks post op on Wednesday. For about a week now I’ve noticed that my left breast is bigger than right and also sits lower into the pocket underneath. Could it be that my left is dropping and fluffing quicker than the right because im right handed? TIA. ? Oh and i had 325cc in both breasts. And doing my messages everyday.

    Kristy 44

    Your boobs are going to be sisters, not twins, for the next 6 months. I’m 7 months post-op now and they look like twins.

    Try not to stress about it too much. I personally had to take a three-month break from social media and the mya forums because it caused me so much anxiety and nerves will not contribute to a good recovery. I had a rollercoaster emotional relationship with mine, but we’re best friends now! xx

    Marlise Smuts 26

    Hi Kristy. Thanks so much for you’re reply. And i guess you are right, we always tend to compare our results and journey with other woman and it adds unnecessary stress. Maby a break from all forums is a wonderful idea for me too.,?

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