7 weeks post op pain and lump on incision possibly a stitch? Anyone else? Started by: vicky

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  • vicky

    I’m 7 weeks post op from having uplift with implants. I am suffering pain along my vertical incision from what could be a stitch. Its Red and feels lumpy but has become extremely painful even painkillers aren’t having an effect now. I’ve tried to get in at Nottingham but no appointments until next Wednesday but they’ve managed to get me in at Birmingham tomorrow. I had the stitch trimmed last week because it was sticking out but all that seems to have happened is it healed over. I thought dissolvable stitches were meant to dissolve. It is so painful at times I have to take my bra off. It’s making me feel miserable and at times I want to cry and it makes me feel sick. Has anybody else had this. Everything was going so well aswell

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