7dpo 1st check up Started by: Vicki

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  • Vicki

    Everything’s going great however today I saw the nurse she took the big plasters off me and all the sterol strips off, and washed my wounds then just stuck to big plasters back on and have been told to take them off myself once I hit the 10po. Thing is now where my wounds are it’s so sore, my macom bra keeps rubbing on it? Did anyone else find this happening? X


    Hi vicki yes exact same thing happened to me with my 7 day nurse app , she said they were healing fine & then stuck steri strips back on them ! Luckily it’s only 3 days so it does go fast , my Macom bra rubbed constantly I hated it the material really wasn’t pleasant for me so I brought a m&s sports bra as it’s cotton , tbh it’s best to have them covered I think as infection could still get in I guess if left uncovered. My incisions are very painful and sore but it will pass and just think of how lovely the boobies will be !!! X

    beccac123 16

    I’m in the exact same boat now, had mine changed yesterday. I just keep rolling my bra up or pulling it down the best I can every 5 minutes x

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