7dpo pain in stitches !!! Help! Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    I’m 7dpo and has all my dressing removed and it felt amazing to have it off finally!

    I love my boobs and am very very pleased with the results so far!

    When I got home I took my bra and strap off to take some photos etc and put everything back on but now under my left breast my stitches are burning/stinging!!!!

    They aren’t disposable stitches and I have an appointment later this week to have them taken out, but this pain is quite bad! I have a small plaster/tape thing that the nurse put over the stitches so I can’t see them.
    Could I have pulled one or more out?
    Should I be worried?

    If I still feel this pain in the morning I’m going to call the hospital! Does anyone have advice
    Thank you


    I think it’s just the stitches doing their thing and healing you up. I had burning painful insicisions too from time to time. I wouldn’t worry I’m sure your nurse would have noticed if there was anything wrong when she changed your dressing. I just took it as classic healing pains. Burning itching etc all normal. I had the same stitches as you and although they’re not painful st all to take out, so don’t worry, the nurse needs to clip the first one to pull them out. I really wouldn’t worry it’s still relatively early days I’d say that’s just your incisions closing. X

    Jo 46

    Aww bless I hope your ok? Has the pain died down yet? I have to say I’m not looking forward to having stitches out. I hope you are feeling better xx


    The pain has now died down as I’ve been relaxing. I still feel that if I were to make any sudden movement then it would cause more pain! But I’m dealing with it right now

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