8 days post op Started by: Jodie

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  • Jodie 2

    So I’m 8 days post op today and I went for my one week check up yesterday! I am so pleased with how they are turning out and how well the whole experience has gone. Every single person at Mya has been so helpful throughout the process and made me feel in safe hands.
    I had 300cc partials on 27th with mr traynor so here are the results so far…
    I’ll try and attach a picture if it works

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    Hollie 13

    They look amazing! You must be so happy. I had 295cc overs last Thursday so we’re around the same stage too. Hope your recovery is going well xx

    Jodie 2

    Thank you Hollie, I hope the recovery has been good for you too, I’ve hardly had any pain really just a tight feeling! I’d do it again in a heartbeat it’s been amazing xx

    Hollie 13

    Me too just a tight, uncomfortable feeling. The worst pain was my back really from sleeping sat up! It’s already the best thing I’ve ever done I’ve had such a good experience xx

    Sherrie 27

    Wow they look fab I had 275 hp partials with traynor the day before. I keep wishing I’d gone for 300 but I think it’s just boob greed!! Xx

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