I can’t actually believe i am 8 months post-op, the time has flown by!
It was the best thing I’ve ever had done, so in love with my boobies and I can’t remember not having them.
Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have or add my profile. There are before and after pictures on there.
I do sometimes get achy boobs still when sleeping on my side for too long, I’m not sure if this is normal or not, but i also think my natural boobs are still growing underneath, which means they are going to get even bigger. EEEkkk
Hiya Jessica! Wow your boobs look amazing babe I hope mine look this good ??. Hope you don’t mind I’ve added you xxxx
Hey Jessica they look amazing! Im a 32a and hoping to have 375cc hp but having unders – do u reckon mine will be a similar size to yours? I think unders come up smaller xxx
Hi Tasha.. Thank you babe! I’m sure they will you defo doing a great thing you just feel amazing in everything you wear! No problem xxx
Hi Jessica they look bril !! Are they under the muscle? What’s your stats before? I’m due to have 300cc under high profile end of month. I’m 32b 5’3 and 8 stone 6 xxx
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Hi Jessica! They look amazing! I really want them to look like yours. Thanks for the update, I hope you don’t mind the add x
Hi Jessica you look amazing ! Hope you don’t mind the add.im currently a miserable 32 A xx
Hi Sarah
I think unders are similar to partials, it all depends on what you have at the moment and how much tissue you have but I’m very sure you will be the same size as me if not bigger. I was offered 300cc and 325cc but went for the smaller sometimes i think i should of gone for the bigger.
Hi Kirstiem Thank you.. I had partials have under and half over. I was 8 stone 5″4 and a 32a now i am a 32D sometimes 32D
Oh were your under or overs? X
WOOP WOOP! I found you! You’ll be able to do your own post like this soon can’t wait for you!! xxx
All we have on our minds are boobies haha! Not long now though! Xx
hi @jessica-staplehurs,
I’ve sent you a friend request as I’m having 300/325cc hp, in just over 2 weeks!x
They look amazing. I’m glad I read this post before going in to get mine done today. I’ve been really worried about getting CC or any other complications. I need to remember all the success stories. Adding you xxx
Hope all goes well today for you Nestereen! You are doing a great thing! Xx
They look amazing! Hope mine look similar to yours!! My op is 29th Feb, getting 300cc mod plus unders. Is it okay to add you to see your transformation? X
Jessica they look amazing!! I’m having 300cc hp on the 15th, I’m praying mine turn out like yours. I’ve added you hope you don’t mind xx
hiya! i know it sounds like a silly question but do all the same tops and clothes fit you?! im worried about having to buy a whole new wardrobe D: also what did you take to the hospital with you? So far ive got zipped pjs, hot water bottle, co-codamol, hair bands, roll on deodorant, bruise prevention cream and my sports bras!xxx
Hi Charla
Yeah that’s one good thing about not going too big all my old clothes fit ad even my size 8 bikinis still fit me!!
Erm something easy to put on after that can do up at the front.. maybe a spare pair of knickers. I can’t actually remember what else but the booklet she have a list of everything you should take.
Hey hun. Hope you don’t mind I have added you. You look amazing! I have my surgery date booked but still undecided on cc. So excited but so stressful! X x
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