800-1000cc Started by: Jessica

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  • Jessica 7


    Im considering having a second enlargement.. wanting to have 800-900 cc. The surgeon i have spoken to previously will only do 800cc as he doesn’t use larger implants 🙁 Has anyone got over 800 cc with a surgeon at MYA? If so, who? Thank you xx

    Janelle 61

    Mr singh does larger implants, and mr traynor sometimes oh and also mr mounir sometimes
    What size do you have now jessica?

    Jessica 7

    Thank you thats helpful. will try and set up a consultation… do you know how much a second ba costs? I have 560 extra high profile now.. just feel like they are tiny! x

    Did you have any of those surgeons do your ba?

    Janelle 61

    Im 3week po from 32b i had 450cc HP unders,
    But iv got major boob greed and want another op to go between 500-600 cc lol
    I will have to wait 2yr tho ?
    What size did you start off at?
    Dr Mounir did mine Xx

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    Jessica 7

    ahhh congrats… you must be happy! Who was tour surgeon? boob greed is the worst isn’t it?! i was offered bigger and i didn’t take it now regret it massively!!

    I started off as a 34b/32c.. 560cc took me up to a 34e/32f or 32ff depends on the bra really.

    Im sure that a second boob job costs around £2000 more but i don’t know that might have changed since i last looked in to it xx

    Janelle 61

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    Im not sure about a 2nd BA i hope its not that much more il never get my juicy boobies then!! ?
    Do you have any pics hun? You can inbox me them if you like?
    Then i can see what 560cc is like
    Did you have high profile? Xx

    Jessica 7

    They look great!! Are you happy with them??

    A re op always costs more.. not sure why.. maybe because they remove the old ones and its more work.

    Nope i had extra high profile. What profile did you have?

    I have some old pics on my profile page hun xx

    Jessica 7

    I just checked the surgeons at MYA and Dr Singh isn’t working there i don’t think! gutted xx

    Janelle 61

    Iv added you coz it wont let me see them atm
    I just had High profile
    Yea im happy as i only had B cups before now i look about a D-DD i think but i want them more fuller from a front view if that makes sense?? The look small from a front view atm ?
    I just want abit bigger lol either 550 or 600 xx

    Janelle 61

    Try dr mounir and dr traynor
    What clinic is your nearest?

    Harriet 88

    Janelle I would be surprised if you were any smaller than an E cup, probably an F x

    Janelle 61

    Id love it if i was harriet ?

    Jess 146

    I’ve added you to be nosey Jessica! I want a re op whenever I can afford it/however long I have to wait after my first op (I’m only 8 weeks post op lol) and thinking around 650-800 x

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