800cc!! Started by: Hayley

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  • Hayley

    got my operation booked for novemeber with dr traynor. reading through this forum nearly every night now (obsessed ha). but all I see is girls getting 200cc to 600cc?? I am currently over weight 14 stone and 5.8, aiming to be 12 stone by my op but surely 800cc is just ridiculous wen I said I only want to be a dd, im a b at the minute and have tubular boobs. What the hell?! I should be happy ill have bigger boobs but by the sounds of everyone elses experiences therell be too big :/ .. but got another consulation with traynor in October hopefully he gives me more info xx

    bella212 1

    forget what anyone else is saying its different for each person your surgeon wont give you wrong implants as bigger implants means bigger job for them but be sure its what you nt end if it xx

    bella212 1



    I know its just so hard to ignore when I don’t see any other girls getting this size or maybe do but by choice! lol suppose every worry goes through ur head preop thinkin of all the complications lol maybe once ive lost a bit weight he’ll offer me a smaller implant if not only thing I can think of is how wide me chest wall is? god nos haha xx

    bella212 1

    there is a girl who has had 750cc and is on the forum hopefully she could help you in this awww bless babe you will look gorgus and feel it too xx


    im confused to why he said 800 cc will give u a DD
    i had 750 cc and that was predicted a EE xx
    if you want the big massive fake look like me go for it not many people get to go that big.
    but only do it if that’s what u want recovery is harder on us girls who go big so if u have questions inbox me and ill help.

    if its what u want do it i don’t regret mine one bit xx


    The size u have chosen is not ridiculous hun.. i had mr Traynor.. i was a B cup.. size 10.. 9.5 stone.. i have 600s the measure really big but only really look a DD in my opinion so xx


    Oh and im 5ft 8 same height xx


    Hi!!! I had my op with dr traynor on Wednesday and I got 700cc. I was a 36a and I’m currently in a 40E sports bra. When I had my consultation with him he said I was a big girl and could afford to go to a 700 and he was totally right they look in proportion with my body xxx


    it depends on your body, i had 240 + 295 cc and im a 32dd but look like a d, but im very small, my shoulders are very narrow and im only 5ft 1 so if you had same cc as me would probs end up with a b cup because your quite tall and im assuming have broader shoulders if his recommended that cc



    thanks girls yeah your right everyones different nd suppose he knows best! lol half stone down just two to go! left it very last minute to get my weight down haha but if he still says 800 wen I go back ill ask for 700 I think. ok to add yous? xx

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