800cc round moderate plus Started by: Claire

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  • Claire 3

    Hi has anyone had 800cc round moderate plus implants. I had a enlargement in Feb where I had 300cc implants which were high profile yeatersay I had my second op going to 800cc round moderate plus implants. I though I was going for high profile but do discovered on my mentor book I was given round moderate plus implants. After surgery yesterday I was really upset they are not that big, you wouldn’t think it was 500cc bigger. Not sure what to do, do moderate plus look smaller than high profile? My fear is the swellings going to go down and they will look smaller. Any advice would be appreciated. Xx

    La1993 28

    Moderate plus are just wider than high profile aren’t they 🙂 so they’re the same size implant just wider rather than forward. But I bet there is a massive difference with that amount! Bet they look great xx

    Claire 3

    If I am honest I can’t tell that much difference in size. Xx


    Hi Claire hope you don’t mind me asking but I presume after your first op you weren’t happy with the size and therefore went bigger. It’s just that I’ve recently had my op I’ve had 400cc hp and am really disappointed with the size and am seriously thinking of a 2nd op. Did you have both op with the same surgeon and how much was the second op xx Hope your happy with yours now, 500cc extra should make a big difference ?

    Claire 3

    Hi Demi yeah I went bigger cos I wasn’t happy with the 300cc size. Yes I did have the same surgeon, it was £4500. I can’t notice that much different and I was under the impression I was getting HP and they gave me moderate plus instead which I wasnt informed about. So dissapointed in size increase xx

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