??? Started by: Rebekah

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  • Rebekah 5

    I’m seeing the surgeon in Thursday what to people think the chances are of getting them done the first week in December? Also does anyone know if you can get finance on late space appointments? Xxxx

    La1993 28

    Hi 🙂 my sister booked hers a week ago and first slot they could offer was 2nd December one after that was 29th December but she needed a day case. She got finance as well but they can’t offer you late booking discount if you get finance. When I booked mine it was 2 weeks after the day I saw the surgeon that was the soonest they could do but I had a night case but got discount cos I paid in full 🙂 this is for the Preston first trust hospital xxx

    Rebekah 5

    Thanks Hun, I’m going to Preston hospital too! Just waiting for someone to ring me back now I’ve got the first week off in December or I have to wait until March which I don’t think I want to do coming on this forum has made me so certain I want it done xxxx

    La1993 28

    Aww 🙂 yeah I wanted mine done ASAP 2 weeks was quick so it might be possible you might just have to have a night slot but I still went home the same day even though it was a night slot. Which surgeon are you seeing? Xxx

    Rebekah 5

    Dr Andrea, I think the longer I wait the more nervous I’m going to get! Xxxx

    La1993 28

    Aww there’s nothing to be nervous about. I’m the biggest wimp in the world and I was fine 😀 they’re all so nice and it goes so quick xxx

    Rebekah 5

    @la1993 haha so am I and I’m so scared of needles but I know it will be worth it! ?? xxxx

    La1993 28

    I’m terrified of needles. All I said was I hate needles and he said its ok we can put you to sleep with gas first, so I had 3 puffs of gas and I was flat out, they put the needle in after I was asleep so I didn’t know about it! Xxx

    Naomi 2

    Hi Rebekah, i saw the surgeon on the 9th of November and i was able to get my surgery booked in for the 25th because i asked to have them done as soon as possible 🙂 xx

    Jo 3

    I saw the patient coordinater a fortnight ago yesterday then saw Mr traynor that evening then had my pre op the next day. I had my surgery yesterday all done with in a fortnight and so far it’s been a great experience and my PCs Allison has been great xx

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