8mpo and I have serious love hate towards my new boobs. Advice needed please Started by: Teresa

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  • Teresa 52

    So I’m now 8mpo and although my boobs look great in clothes giving me more confidence. However I think they look awful naked (my husband doesn’t agree).
    1 looks smaller than the other, the right 1 has an awful crease and I can’t push them together to get a nice cleavage.
    Mr traynor reassured me at my 6 weeks that they would change in time and showed me how to massage them which I have done but I’m not convinced they’ll improve.
    Should I make an appointment at the Newcastle clinic or do I need to give them more time x

    Teresa 52

    Try again with photos

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    S 47

    I think they look really good. I wouldn’t say they look awful naked at all, your husband is definitely right. However I can see what you mean about the crease, and think personally I would talk to your surgeon about it. Other than that they look fab xx 🙂

    Claudine 196

    If your 8 months post op your double bubble should have resolved it’s self by now if it was a case of the crease needing to iron out, it can take a few months to get an appointment so it wouldn’t hurt to call your clinic now and see what availability he has to book a 12 month surgeon review in, very sorry to hear your not entirely happy with your results Teresa, hope your next appointment goes well xxx

    Polly 10

    Ive got nothing useful to say in regards to any issues your having other than to tell you I think they look fabulous 🙂 really good!! I would give them a call and see what they say xx

    Teresa 52

    Thank you ladies, I’ll ring the clinic tomorrow to see what they say x

    Teresa 52

    I rang mya and spoke the Louise the nurse who is absolutely lovely. She has made me an appointment with gary traynor on the 9th july. I’ll be nearly 1ypo by then but I’m hoping my boobs will look fine by then and I’ll have nothing to worry about x


    I think your boobs looks amazing – if mine turn out like yours I’ll be happy 🙂

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun I’m having similar issues I have an ap with traynor on the 8th of may il be 11 months post op xxx

    L87 78

    Hey, yours do look great. I hope the crease sorts itself out! I have a size difference too and I’m just over 1 year post op. I had 250 on my L and 275 on my R but my L still looks bigger anoyingly! I thought it was swollen for ages and would eventually settle but I think I’ve now realised it’s always going to be the bigger one, even with a smaller inplant put in :-/ if you get any useful info when you see the surgeon, please let me know! I also had Mr Traynor Xx

    Alice 11

    I bought a bra off eBay(it was like a little shop on there) for about £7. It’s a balconette and push up it’s awsome gives so much cleavage!

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