8th July Mounir…how we all feeling girls xxx Started by: Gemma

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  • Gemma

    I was first on the list and i was in/out before i knew it.

    Carnt believe hpw quickly ive recovered so far left the hospital around 2pm and went to my hotel which was gorgeous, i was in a little pain but each time i took the painkillers it eased a lot. Drove home yest afternoon and today im feeling really well pain is literally gone.

    OH is back to work so im going to try and potter on at home taking it easy…my mams on standby incase i need her help with my youngest, hes only 2.

    Deborah would love ot know how you got on i was thinking of you, as you would have been next in line! xxx


    Heyy that’s great to hear!! Glad your healing ok!!!
    🙂 I’m the same not much pain tbf but the worst bit for me is how bloated I am!!! Wasn’t prepared to feel this huge!!!
    :/ is anyone else having this problem!? Also are we allowed row all about and stuff If we feel ok? Was gonna go out for a little stroll with my mum for an hour is this ok this soon? Xxx


    Hey Gemma I put a message on your wall I think…(technology tut tut) I’m so glad yours went well I felt bad that u didn’t venture to meet you. my day was not brilliant an early start, 2.5 hour drive got lost, cried at whether I was doing the right thing. Came round well but was sick when moving around. I left at about 4, got lost again trying to find my hotel lol then battled waves of tiredness then didn’t sleep. Yesterday I was ok but after an afternoon nap the pain was unbearable. Had to get my OH to pull me using a pillow round my back out of bed. Again trapped in bed this morning so same drill took my tablets then was sick and I’ve been weepy #dramaqueen I know. Hoping to get different medication today. Keep in touch via email 🙂 are you happy with your size? Mine are still like torpedos and I won’t look naked worried it will make me sader


    Hey girls! Deborah sounds like my experience was more like yours, must be the unders aswell making it worse! It was fine on Monday apart from having to stay overnight but I’ve been in quite a bit of pain and struggling to do much on my own! Thought I was feeling better but I’ve just been sick before 🙁 pleased with how they look so far just can’t wait for them to drop and look more like boobs than crazy pecs!! Hope everyone’s healing nicely xxxx


    Hi Rosie i think you should be ok just walk slowly…my partner had to go to work at 8am ive got a 5yr old and 2yr old and i managed to get them ready and do the school run ok. Im tired now though need to hoover but i dont think im up to it so just going to have a cuppa and sit on my laptop while the little ones in bed. Im feeling a little achy again it comes and goes for me.

    Or deborah sounds like you had a right chew on. We got there around 7.30am! I know too early but time went quickly…i couldnt believe how quick i was knocked out before surgery! I left at 2pm and was wondering how you were getting on …hospital seemed so quiet. I did cry my eyes out after surgery. Kept looking down at them an thought they werent big enough lol! Then about an hour after i came round my partner helped me into the bathroom to have a proper look they looked so much bigger 🙂 Im over the moon with mine i got the size i wanted as well 420cc tsx ex high profile and 400cc in the other. The part of it is Mounir told me i had one side of my chest higher than the other as well as one breast having a lot more tissue than the other. He said because of this i would never get them perfect and they may always be uneven …so i prepared myself for it but tbh nothing could of been worse than what i had. Anyway hes managed to make them look a lot more similiar in size and shape and he hoped my smaller one would drop in time too so im over the moon. What size did you get Deborah are you happy with yours?

    Lol Helen mine are the same they stick out so much and my nipples look mad! What did you have put in? Im wondering how much mine will drop as they are ex high profile.



    Oh and Rosie my tummy is so bloated 🙁 apparently these painkillers can cause constipation! x


    Hi girls I feel so bloated as well! Not in as much pain as thought I’d be just uncomfortable and I can’t get out of bed on my own! Yeahh Rosie I went for a little walk before it was nice to get some fresh air just take it slow! Xx


    I got 445 unders, mine feel like they’re up to my chin at the moment so waiting a while till they drop to check them out also they seem very wide rather than teardrop natural shape. I’m confident that mounir will have given me the right size etc. I also have one side of my chest wall mire protruding than the other but not so noticeable but again I haven’t looked at them. Should I be airing them, moisturising them? X


    Great! Can I add you all? 🙂 I’m a bit concerned with size ATM like I was sooo worried I was gonna be huge but they actually look like overinflated pecs like Helen said they look pretty small am hoping that they’ll
    Drop and fluff a bit as are extra high profile so am just being inpatient I’m sure it’s just when I read how you get smaller when sweeping goes down I’m like nooo I don’t want smaller! Ha! Wish we could just wake up looking and feeling amazing and go straight back to the gym! :/ xxxx


    Mine feel very high too Deborah and wide but ive gone for the extra high profile and he said that would give them a really round shape/wide. Didnt realise you gone for the teardrop yeah think maybe its just the swelling. My nurse at the hospital told me before i left to moisterise them but stay away from underneath where the plasters are. Then when i spoke with the nurse at my clinic who did my pre op and follow up she said no. Im still doing it anyway as i dont see what diff it will make and its making my skin feel better on a night putting a load of cocoa butter on.

    Yeah no probs Rosie havent put any pics on yet…has anyone else? Dont know if i ready for that yet. Ha ha yeah i hate sitting around im always full of busy so being home today doing nothing is driving me mad i love to be at the gym or out with the little man. xx


    I had 325cc tsf put in Gemma! I’m dying to moisturise mine aswell I don’t want stretch marks, to be honest you hear that much conflicting info i think you just need to make your own mind up, if you really werent allowed to do it they would make it clear! Has anyone else got to wear a breast band? It’s the worst thing ever and I have to wear it for 3 weeks!! Might get some photos on later today… Xxx


    has anyone got a squeaking noise coming from theri implants? my left is a little more swellen and it squeaks. my friend has heard it too so i know im not going do lally :-\

    mine are still rediculous llking at the moment but have started to drop a fraction which is promising , hope everyone is feeling bit better today xxxx


    Hows everyone feeling today?

    Im feeling better ..well less pain when im due to take painkillers. But im so bloated its unreal, think if i havent been to the loo tonight i may ring them, double check its ok and change to paracetamol cos im so constipated.

    Ive got a vest top on today and they look great 🙂 Havent really told many people and when i took my daughter to school this morning one of the mams was looking at my boobs prob thinking my god she didnt have them last week ha ha.



    Lol that’s great gemma 🙂 I changed my dose of cocodemol yesterday to a weaker version and got anti sickness tablets which have helped with the bloating. I feel much better today and also wearing a vest top (please excuse hairy armpits, mam washed my hair but couldn’t ask her to shave me). I went to the loo thus morning was so pleased (funny how the small things make us proud at the mo). Mine are still pointy and heading east / west so mine will remain concealed from public lol x


    Or thats good news…ignore my message ive just pm you to see how you were doing. Ha ha im desp to shave mine too …i washed my hair yest morning but forgot to do my armpits think i will manage tonight. Im finding housework a struggle….its hoovering i carnt manage so my floors are a tip with 2 kids dropping crumbs and a dog. My mams coming round tom to hoover for me bless her. Lol thats good to know think im def going to stop taking these cocodemols and see how i get on.

    Right id better get a move on and wake the little one up got to go to my mams before i pick my daughter up from school. Spk to you soon glad your feeling a bit better. xxx


    OMG just changed into my m&s zip up sports bra and feel a trillion times better, more supported less pain, less like Madonna 🙂 so so happy now xx


    Pleased everyone’s feeling a bit better today!! I’m stopped the cocodamol yesterday it was making me sick!! I’m soooo bloated its rediculous I’m rivalling my pregnant sister at the moment!! Gutted its making my boobs look smaller coz my bellys so huge!!! Is everyone the same?! Xxx


    Deborah think i might have to invest in one.

    Ha ha Helen im the same look about 3 months pregnant and my tummy is hurting all the time. I decided not to take mine earlier think thats it for me too. Im managing ok with the pain ive had one lot of paracetamol so far. xx


    Hey glad everyone’s feeling better I’m the same feel good today haven’t had any painkillers since yesterday morning but am still very very bloated so I think it’s the general anaesthetic tbh girls cos even my mums commented how bloated I look and Iv only taken 2 cocodamol tablets since we got them!!! Xxxxx


    Hi Girls how is everyone.

    Im really struggling with the kids today…im trying to do the washing and keep them happy at the same time. Its so frustrating as im normally so fit and love taking them out to the park but i darent go. My boys 2 and he throws himself off the climbing frames i just carnt trust him.

    My boobs feel so hard when i wake up on a morning and then they seem to settle down. Is anyone feeling tired….im soo tired all the time but im doing nothing at all!? xx


    Gemma, I’m in a routine of getting up at 9, then having 2 nanny naps during the day then back to bed for 10 doing noting substantial in between! The pain killers will be making you exhausted and all the housework. I’m hoping to leave the house independently today, go see some friends xx


    I’m exactly the same girls I’m just exhausted all the time. Attempting to go round the shops today but even getting ready has worn me out…think I need a sleep before I go! Don’t know how you’re coping looking after your kids Gemma you need a medal hun! Xxx


    its awful isnt it…i would love to sunbath but the heat is making me worse!
    Thanks Helen…im getting up…well being woke up at /6 every morning when my little boy gets up 🙁 I wish i could go back to sleep during the day im so tired and my OH is always busy with work or something else
    I was supposed to be taking my girl to a 5th bday party and my partner was going to look after little one but now hes busy and im going to have to drop her off and come back look after zach. My hair is like a chip pan this morning just havent had a min to wash it so the other mams are going to wonder why i look in such a state! Didnt think i would be feeling so tired by now xx

    tai -1

    Ahh girls hope you all heal well! Reading this thread is making me soooo excited


    Hi girls how we doing?

    Just had my plasters and steri strips off looks good healing well. Need to wait one more night for a proper shower…god i carnt wait with these heat its killing me. Im constantly washing and babywiping my arms armpits etc lol.

    In the last couple of days im feeling so much better already the tiredness is going and im getting the housework done slowly, only thing is hoovering is so hard.

    Hey Deborah how did it go…there were 2 girls in there and i was wondering if one of them was you! xx


    Hi I got the same advice, were you with your mum? I have a blonde ponytail today. I wouldn’t look at the incisions. There was an Emma there but unless you have a typo on here and you came with a man I didn’t think it was you. I’m doing fab, housework, driving (except 5th gear) and back at work. Not much movement in my books but glad the patches are off to get a proper look xx


    I have some pics on. Was advised NOT to wear the M&S sports bra just yet it’s too squishy and tight xx


    Oh god really Deborah? Why’s the tightness an issue? I thought that would be a good thing? I have literally lived in mine since the op!! :O oh crap! Am I doing damage? Xxx


    Rubbing on the incisions and also not helping them to settle naturally, my post surgery ‘nanna’ bra passed though so although I feel much more feminine I don’t feel very attractive lol x


    Hi Deborah no i wasn’t……or shame about your bra. I had the same problem my bra they suggested from asda was too big and looks horrible. Had a lovely bf bra which i hadn’t worn and it gives them a nice shape in a top but that was rubbing on incisions. Also bought an asda sports bra which is comfy and she said that was ok but only for a few more weeks .
    Well im back to running around after my little boy but does anyone else find it strange when they wobble a bit? Ive never really had this before lol xx

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