8WPO Started by: Laura

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  • Laura 143

    8 weeks today, i keep thinking they arnt changing but looking at week by week photos they always look slightly different. They still need to even out more. When i look in the mirror they look fine its when i take a photo they look different in shape but my left is still dropping so im still clinging on to the hope that when its finished they will even up more lol this morning i have took a photo standing normally but was intrested to see what they looked like when lent over slighty because my parntner had mentioned they look bigger haha so took one lent over… i wish they looked like that when stood up lol love them like that haha… my nipples have always been different with one slighty lower so thats not going to change an i dont mind that just hoping the shape gets abit better but looking back at older photos it is changing just the left is going slower xx

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    Shayla 3

    Hey….Size did you go for? I have my op 14th of november and keep changing my mind on size. X

    Laura 143

    I had 400cc HP unders from a 32c x

    Laura 143

    My scars are really messy in my opinion not like all the little neat scars i see pics of. My right is especially thick. They are right in my crease an well hidden an i know they will fade down but with the thickness of them i definitely think they will still be noticable xx

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    kelly 58

    Laura they look really good for 8 weeks!!! i am debating 400cc and 375, i am so unsure, i have my op on Wednesday

    Laura 143

    Thankyou 🙂 theres not much between those 2 sizes but id go for the biggest. You will wish you had bigger no matter what you have lol i wish i had bigger xx

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