9 days PO recovery/pulled muscle help? Started by: Lorna

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  • Lorna 57

    Hi girls, so I’m 9 days PO and saw the nurse 2 days ago. At day 3 I had a suspected pulled muscle on my left side and haven’t been able to use that arm much since. The nurse said 2 days ago that this week I’ll improve so much and be pretty much back to normal but last night I started getting really bad pain in my right side (under my armpit/sideboob) and couldn’t move my arm at all today. I ended up having to ring the emergency number 🙁

    The doctor told me to start taking the strong painkillers regularly again when I only just cut them down 3 days ago. Just feel like I’m back at square 1 again and expected to be in a better condition by now? I literally feel like I did at 2/3 days PO again pain wise 🙁 has anyone else had anything like this? Feel like everyone else is recovering well and improving everyday and I keep getting set back? I’ve not even been doing anything either nothing strenuous not left the house except to see the nurse. Any advice appreciated x

    Lorna 57

    Anyone? Seems like I’m the only one who’s pulled a muscle or experiencing bad pain problems at this point post op 🙁

    Kayley 13

    Awwww babe, I’m so sorry to read this, I have no advice but I’m sending well wishes and bless g hugs xxxxx

    Kayley 13

    Big hugs **

    Lorna 57

    @kayleykoo thank you hun it’s made me feel rubbish being set back when everyone seems to be fine at this point? I’ve had to tell my family I fell down the stairs as they don’t know about the BA and I’m in that much pain I can’t hide it 🙁 I thought I’d be okay at 10 days PO with it being Xmas and everything didn’t think I’d have to say anything to family xxxx

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