9 Weeks PO 340cc unders. Started by: Stephanie

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  • Stephanie -1


    Well 9 weeks later they are still dropping n fluffing, my right boob is still very slow but is catching up with leftie 😉

    I think they might be very slightly shrinking, but then so am I, back on my diet and starting to I crease my running again for a nay marathon. I think I’m actually now down to a 34 band, for the first time possibly ever. I’m a very full D borderline DD in 34 as opposed to a comfy 36D I was about 6 weeks ago, but hey all part of my diet. 78 lbs lighter do far and about 5 to 7 lbs to go.

    Anyway, they still feel awesome, softer then they were in a nice way 😉 still cannot decide which is the best way to sleep, on my side like I always used to or maybe on my back. Also I get twinges of pain occasionally if sleeping on my side. I’m also undecided on if I should or should not wear a light sports bra to bed, I got used to it after the first six weeks, and if it helps the boobs long term I could get used to it.

    Steph xxxx

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