9month PO! Wondering about the future xx Started by: Sarah

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  • Sarah

    Hi Ladies,

    I am 9 months this month post op, I had a breast enlargement last June and I have had no worries or complaints
    since and feel so happy I did it, feel completely different about myself and the clothes I wear 🙂 I’m a bit of a worry wart
    and I’m already beginning to start to think about the future! I have 15year warranty on the implants but what about after then, will they
    definately need to be replaced or will they last a lifetime? Will they be cheaper to replace then the initial op I had before? So
    many questions lol but I would be grateful for any help or answers 🙂 Thanks ladies and happy healing xxxxx


    Anyone?? Lol xx


    My consultant told me on average they last 10years before they begin to sag ect especially of you have children he said I need to be realistic and just set up a standing order of something silly a month so that when it comes to them years I I’ll just have theory sat in a bank I think that’s what going to do. He didn’t seem to give me false answers like I no some do with this lifetime garantee lark he said your only covered if the implant ruptures not from sagging or anything like that


    The money *


    K thanks hun I’m not bothered about sagging just the rupturing really scares me hopefully in 15years I’d have gone up in the world lmao and will have the money ready or saved xx

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