A little blood on bandages 5 days post op – normal? Started by: Sophie

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  • Sophie

    Hi everyone,
    I had breast augmentation (implants) on Tuesday 19th. It’s now day 5 , everything ok so far and pain much more manageable than I expected! However I lifted up my surgical bra this afternoon to check my bandages on the insicions under the breasts and both have a small amount of blood on which I’m sure wasn’t there before! Is there anyone who can tell me if this is normal or not? I have called the out of hours no and showed photos to nurse who said all is okay but I’m such a worrier!

    Any questions I can answer in return let me know !

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Sophie.
    samantha 1

    I had this too! I was more concerned because it dried quite hard and I was worried it was going to rub. But I got the dressings took off and the scars are absolutely fine. I think the dressing just wear with movement and it’s becomes more visible the darker it get when it’s drying in. All should be fine xx

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