A little concerned Started by: Ame Wright

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    I had my 800cc’s with Mr Singh on Thursday and I’m very happy with them, sore but happy!
    I’m just a little concerned because I wasn’t given any after care information at all, I wasn’t even told to sleep upright.
    From my research and talking to some of your ladies on here I know that this isn’t normal at all.
    So, if anyone is willing to take me through the aftercare I would most appreciate it!
    Good luck and happy healing to all of you xo

    Vickie 5

    Hi Hun I got a pack off my PC at my first consultation with loads of info in. Also there’s a recent thread on here headed ‘general questions’ with loads of info. I had an uplift but I’m guessing it’s similar aftercare. – keep on top of ur meds at least for first few days, no housework or heavy lifting for 2 weeks, keep insicions dry for first week, as little movement of ur arms is possible, no driving till u can perform an emergency stop (5-7 days). Plenty of rest, little walks round house often to avoid DVT. Wear sports bra 24/7, no alcohol for 48hrs.

    That’s about all I can remember Hun, happy healing xx

    Roxanne 1

    Hi same as above you should have had aftercare notes at first consultation, I didn’t no you shouldn’t drink for 48 hrs!! BA yest champers last night!! (one glass)!!! xx

    Vickie 5

    I’m sure u’ll be fine with one glass!!! It increases the risk of post op bleading as thins the blood xx

    Roxanne 1

    Thank you xx

    Jasmine 10

    Hey hun glad you went through with it
    I did not get anything information either tbh, I was given a pre op pack but chucked it incase my parents found it lol
    I would say the main thing is to sleep up right
    Not wet you incisions-its really hard to wash your hair I went to the hairdresser
    Also get some good painkillers-paramol is really good
    I hated mine with the strapping-they were huge and just felt so uncomfotable
    3 weeks later and I am happy and glad I went with that size

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