A moment of light headed ness Started by: Emma 22.4.2014

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    Well today I went to the nurse to get my dressings changed. Unfortunately the left one was stuck to my stitches and was a bit more tricky to get off even the nurse apologised . Had them bathed got up so she could do my Kodak moments and went really light headed ringing in my ears and all that x glass of water and a sit down for five minutes and I was ok very weird not like me at all x scars look okay back next Tuesday for stitch trimming x bit sore at the bottom now. Not taken any more pictures yet. But I can now finally sleep on my back and I only have one of those awful antibiotics to take this evening then all done xx I am so looking forward to a shower later and washing my hair xxx

    Laura 13

    Oh poor you. Hope you feeling ok now. And enjoy sleeping on ur back. Youl be able to sleep on ur side soon.


    Thanks Laura x Feel much better now had a shower but can’t stand with breasts underneath the water felt like a thousand knives xx washed my hair and onesie on looking forward to sleeping on my side funny what excites you now x sad or what xx


    Haha yeah feels nice lying on my back. You don’t appriete what you have until u don’t have it..or whatever that saying is. I also feel a bit faint after strapping off


    Good to hear ur on the mend..bit of a strange experience for you too,but at least you can rest a bit easier now..pics are good too and look like you are all in proportion. Woop Woop. Xx


    Thanks Mikayla yes really pleased with them xxx


    Sooo jealous, sleeping on your back & a shower ha ha!! Enjoy every moment I know I shall when I can do both those again my bum is pained by me lying on it all the time ha!! xx


    I know Clare, I’ve had a cushion under my right buttock for a week xxx

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