Aaargggh Tomorrow !!! Started by: HAYLEY

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    I’m booked in for tomorrow and I’m sooooo scared. I’ve had 3 pregnancies so you’d think id be fine but I’m so scared now I have children 🙁

    I am staying the night ,so going to pack my bag soon. I’ve totally forgotten everything my pc told me – so is it nothing to eat and drink from midnight or am I allowed water?

    I only live 5 mins from the hospital so wondered if visitors are allowed??
    oOOoh having a melt down now :/
    Hayley xx

    India 6

    No food 6 hours before and no drink 2 hours before admission time! I was so scared but It was literally over so quick! Last thing I remember was doctor telling me he had given me a drug to calm my nerves then I woke up! Good luck xxx


    I have children too so I totally see why ure worried! Everything will be fine and other with before you know it! It’s
    No good 6 hours before and no water from 2 hours before admission time. Being put to sleep itself isn’t nice I personally hate it but it’s all over with so quickly and when you wake up in recovery it feels like no times passed at all lol x

    Laura 13

    Dont be worried. U at Preston tomorrow? Hospital is lovely, staff are great ul b in great hands.

    Thats right no food 6 hours before and only water after that and up to 6 hours before.

    No deodrant or sprays on morning and jewellery and make up off.


    I’m tomorrow too and totally know where your coming from having a 2yr old little girl. My admission time isn’t until 4pm and surgery at 5.30pm so I can at least have breakfast and light snack. God knows what I will fill my time with though to keep my mind off it?!
    Good luck xx


    Good luck you’ll be fine xxx

    Laura 13

    I got to hosp at 11.15 went down to surgery at 2.25. The time before surgery flew by. Nurse filled out paper word took blood pressure, temp etc. Doc came to see me anethetist came to see me another nursery came to see me then before I knew Mr Traynor come and drew on me and sed Id be going down in 40 mins exactly 40 mins later and the nurse come for me.

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