Above or below the muscle?! Started by: Francesca Dobson

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    I’m doing so much research and everywhere says that below the muscle is less likely to look fake, and give a more natural look. Which is what I’m aiming for. It also states it may be slightly more painful to recover, but in the long run has more positive outcomes then over the muscle.

    Can anyone please recommend which is better? Or any before or after photos of both please? Xx

    Beth 25

    Hey girl I had 300/325 round high profile over the muscle in October 2017, I don’t think they look fake at all! I’m 32E now but they don’t look that big at all Xxx

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Beth 25.
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    Beth 25

    This was pre op, 32A very wide set boobs xxx

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    Cara 2

    I had 385 under the muscle and I really wish I could have had over the muscle! I didn’t know that much or which to go for, but my unders feel like my boobs are just muscles sometimes. I hate how they feel when im using my chest muscles. They harden and I feel like they are gross looking. When I’m not using my chest muscles they are OK. But they seem small. My surgeon said he couldn’t have fit a larger implant in, but I am sure if it was over the muscle they would be bigger and have more of the look and feel I was going for. I would love to have a revision and get slightly larger overs, but since there is nothing wrong I can’t justify spending that amount again. Looking back, if I would have been given the choice and known, I would have gone with overs!


    Wow they look amazing Beth!! Thanks for the advice both of you. I have a feeling the surgeon will recommend overs for me, and hearing you both think they are preferred helps 🙂 thank you xx


    Do you have a before and after pic Cara? Just so I can compare an over and an under? Thank you xx

    Jae Ward 2

    I think it really depends on your breast tissue! My surgeons preference is over the muscle as she thinks logically that is where an implant should go! Your natural breast tissue is what you are enhancing so if you have enough of it, Over the muscle can still give a natural result x


    That’s really helped me thank you. I’ve been doing research and come up with what I would like if possible. The last thing I wanted to understand was above or below the muscle so thank you ladies xx

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