Absolute agony… rescue me girls. Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    425cc, high profile partials.
    Had my op on Thursday morning..
    Today being the worst, ive been in absolute agony since leaving the hospital.
    Once I lay down I cant get up without crying hysterically and feeling like my skin is tearing.
    I was admitted back to the hospital yesterday and put on meptid which is a painkiller usually given to women during labour, although its masking the pain slightly its making me feel extremley sick.

    You girls have been through all this… any one have any advice in terms of remedys or just support in general… suffering massively!!

    p.s my boobs look amazing and I cant wait to see them…

    Lisa 24

    I’m sorry to hear your struggling so badly. I had 425 & 450 HP partials Tuesday & have been super lucky & not suffered at all pain wise. Have you tried ice packs? As for laying down I’ve literally made myself an upright nest in bed! There’s a mountain of normal pillows in a V shape & then my actual V pillow supporting my mid back. A small cushion under my coccyx area & another under my knees. Plus a smaller cushion under each arm keeping them up above my body a bit. I sound like a mad woman but it’s so easy to get up, no straining or struggling. Plus if possible keep moving during the day. I have a 1 & 2 year old so have had no choice but to keep going & I definitely think it’s helped. The more you rest, the worse it gets & the stiffness. Xxx


    you lucky thing! I agree the longer i sit or the lay the more i dread getting up. I did my homework on having this done of course but nothing could have prepared me for this pain.
    When i went back to the hospital i was crying going up the stairs and there was two girls waiting for their consultation.. seeing me wonder up there half naked in hysterics ( cant even attempt to dress right now or move enough for someone to dress me ) i think was a sight that may have put them off… oops xx

    Lisa 24

    Aw it’s such a shame it’s been so bad. Try ice packs between them on the top & near your incisions. Everyone recovers differently, I’m sure the others waiting will of just seen how bad it can be lol xx

    Sophie 90

    I had 400s on tuesday and i havnt found recovery too bad. I always make sure i engage my abs and use them to sit up and stuff to take pressure of the chest, so chin to chest everytime i get up. And 100% get out of bed and sit in a chair the difference with pain is amazing when your sat up. Ice packs are my best friends also. I was told if the pain was too much then get either codein or cocodamol (cant remember which) from the chemist xx

    Claudine 196

    Are you very swollen Claire? I was incredibly swollen ive never known pain like it i could see my skin had lifter from my sternum and think that was probably the main cause, also it seems girls who have the biggest implant size offered definately suffer more, keep going with the painkillers (sorry i know that’s not much help when they don’t even take the edge off) realy hope you start to pick up very soon bless you xxx


    Thank you Claudine! The left side is slightly swollen.
    Using ice to numb my body constantly in the hope to eliminate the pain. I am hoping it will only be 2 or 3 more days of pain as i dread waking up in the morning knowing its tomr to sit up.. the wrenching on my chest is just unbearable xxx

    Rael 20

    You are laying/sitting down too low, I used to be on agony every time I got up from sitting down/laying down and I realised when I would sit/lay higher it would be much easier for me to 1. Get up out of bed/sofa 2. Have hardly any pain.

    Also make sure you have an ice pack besides you at all time because if you do get a pain and hold the ice pack on the area it will help a lot. Or even hold the ice pack that normally hurts and try sitting up when you are holding it to try help the pain before it even starts x

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