Absolutely gutted! Started by: Jade

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  • Jade 10

    So I just spoke to my pc, was originally planning on paying for my boobs using the method where you pay half upfront then the rest off as it doesn’t go on credit! (I have very poor credit due to my mum and brother! Long story) anyway.. My pc has just told me they’re not using that company anymore. Which means I can’t afford my boobs like initially thought I could! And I don’t know anyone with good credit so can’t even get it in someone else’s name. I literally want to cry!! No boobs for me :'( xxx

    Becky 1

    Can u not get a loan hun? That’s what I did. Paying for them for the next 3 years lol x


    Just do the mya piggy bank,will feel forever but my first payment is going in tomorrow will take me till december max,could just be a christmas present for you,also least you know ull be getting your new boobs just not straight away 🙂 xxx

    Samantha 1

    Oh no!! Chin up hun! It’s not that you’ll never get your boobs. If I ever want something bad enough, I would move heaven and earth to get it. Be patient, save as much as you can, when you can. Why not try out the MYA piggy bank? If you’re anything like me, if I can get my hands on it, I’ll spend it. Or ask if there’s any other finance options you can get if you have poor credit? Good things come to those who wait. xx


    I’m meant to be doing the finance option but am worried I won’t get accepted as my ex left me with a massive loan and my credit is shocking! 🙁 even though I pay everything on time il be gutted if I can’t get accepted x

    Jade 10

    No becky, my credit is ridiculous! I wish I could. I’m going to have to natalie, just really didn’t want to have to wait until next year! So gutting! Your right Samantha, u guess il get there eventually! Just going from June to next year.. Such a difference. Feel like I’ve already been waiting forever! My credits really bad too Kelly, I didn’t get accepted for the finance! Hopefully you do though xx


    I wasn’t sure if they had to do a credit check! Ahhhh that’s so crap bet I won’t get accepted now il probs be waiting a year to get the money together 🙁 x


    Girls,it does seem a very longtime but once that money starts going in your a little step closer,and whats a few months youll get there 🙂 the thought of not having boobs right now is depressing but once you get there itll be flipping worth it xxx


    Aww no. Poor you. But like the other girls said use the MYA piggybank- it will be so helpful in saving and at least then you can see your money adding up without being able to spend it. I initially went for a consultation in May 2013 and was rejected from finance as I was still a student. I’ve spent a year trying to save up, but thankfully my mum has come around to the idea and is giving me the rest of the money now. But the last year has gone so quickly and now I can’t believe the time has come, so chin up, and start saving and before you know it you will have enough money together. Good Luck xxxxx


    @Jade I was th same, looks like we both enquired at the wrong time 🙁 I’ve booked mine for two months later than I wanted so I can pay for it all myself!! 🙁


    Apply for another bank account with Barclays for example if your with nationwide then apply for a loan you have no bad credit rating that’s what my friend did. It’s cheaper to go with a bank than mya x

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