Aches 8 days post op Started by: Lucy

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  • Lucy 1

    I’m 8 days post op today and although I was off my painkillers by day 4, I am now experiencing shooting pains in my shoulder that spread towards my breast, only on the right side and it doesn’t seam to be shifting, sort of feels like dead arm? Can some tell me if this is normal? I’m worried I’ve pulled something?

    Amy halliwell 28

    It’s all normal. I had shooting pains for two days in my left breast it went after

    Dazzelea 92

    It’s normal Hun everything stretching x

    Charlotte 15

    I am 12 days post OP and I’m still taking paracetamol. Told all normal. I was worried but my boobs are still feeling tight but nurse told me all is good. Xx

    Alex 45

    I stopped taking painkillers after 4 days. And I had all sorts of wierd shooting pains and noises coming from my boobs. Do now worry it’s all normal the feelings your geytywill be your nerve end if rebuilding themselfs as they have been cut. I’m 5 weeks post op and I still get random aches and shooting pains now. Xxx

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