Acne/spots post opp??? Started by: Shannon

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  • Shannon 3

    Since having my surgery I’ve had really bad spots all over my face and chest yet I never normally suffer with bad skin, has anyone else had this problem and what have youse done to help with it? It seems like nothing I’ve tried has helped and wondering how long it will last? If anyone can help that would be great thank you x


    I definitely had a breakout on my face during the first week PO. I put it down to the meds – anaesthetic, antibiotics and pain meds, it’s quite a hit for the body, especially if you don’t normally take anything. I think the breakouts are just your body trying to expel toxins as quickly and efficiently as possible. I drank loads of water and ate clean and it all cleared up pretty fast x

    Shannon 3

    I’m now 3 weeks po and still really suffering with it and nothing really seems to be helping! But thank you for the reply xx

    Sarah 64

    I’m 8 weeks post op and haven’t noticed any on my face but I have had puss-filled pimples on my chest & boobs that I’ve never had before. I’ve not squeezed them, just left them, and they do go without leaving a mark but I tend to get another once one has gone ?


    I’ve got a fair few appear. I feel like my skin is more oily and I was always more dry skinned. Tbh I’ve been eating crappy food and the sweaty weather combined both with the anaesthetic etc.. hopefully will all clear up soon. I’m 3..5 weeks post op

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