Acrylic nails Started by: Kerina Lewis

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    Hi guys i know I have to remove acrylic nails before surgery, but do i need to cut my nails off, my nails are naturally long and I don’t want to cut them off of I dont have to x


    Don’t worry too much, it’s just so they can put the probe on your finger to monitor heart rate and oxygen levels, if the are too long it won’t go over the nail properly but they can attach it to your toes or ear if needed, or if they are really picky they may cut it down in theatre xx


    Ok thank you xx

    myamoderator 138

    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    Hi Ladies,

    Be sure to remove all false eyelashes, nails and piercings (including dermal piercings) as these can interfere with the procedures in theatre and delay your admission at the hospital or possibility of your surgery being cancelled.

    Love MYA Mod x


    Yeah I know all of that but my nails a naturally long and I wanted to know if my nails need to be short x

    myamoderator 138

    Hello Kerina,

    Even if you have short acrylic nails, you risk the chance of your surgery being cancelled if not removed before.

    Love MYA Mod x

    Kiera 23

    can you have naturally long nails though??? or have to cut them short too ? x

    myamoderator 138

    Hi Kiera,

    No you won’t be required to cut your natural nail short.

    Love MYA Mod x

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