Acutal 32b/c – 300cc under in January – Need Help Started by: Camille

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  • Camille

    hello girls !
    As it says in the title i will have my operation in january for high profile implants of 300 cc, under the muscle.

    Currently I would say that I have a full b cup. I would like to have a more generous chest but I don’t want it to be too big either.

    That’s why I’m looking for feedback from girls who might have been in the same situation and who would have before after pictures to share to give me an idea of how big it might be.

    Thank you !

    Alex091222 5

    I had overs and not unders but had 275/300cc hp. I was originally a big b/small c x

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    Nice ! Thanks for sharing your experience, it’s not making too big, they looks beaufitul congrats 😀 !

    Do you know which one is looking bigger, under or over placement ?

    thank youuuu

    Aimee 7

    I had unders but 350cc implants, I was a B cup and now 3 weeks post op

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    Riley 6

    HI Alex, How are they looking now, I’m having overs at the end of February as surgeon says I have enough tissue to cover the tops to give a natural look. How is your upper pole looking now, I really don’t want to have upper fullness or side boob so am wondering about teardrop shape now.

    Alex091222 5

    I’m actually so happy with them! I don’t feel like they’re overly fake looking and they fit my frame well. I’m so glad I went with the surgeons recommendations x

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