Sara, my right swelled up much more than my left and now its slightly smaller! Its normal, don’t worry. My right was always smaller than my left so when they did the op it swelled up more. Seriously, it was like a football, the skin was so tight it felt like the implant might just pop out! Haha.
My right still hasn’t dropped completely but it will eventually, its not overly noticeable tho xx
thanks Janeyh…i’m sure they will settle fine over the next few weeks….
Tereza, add me on sofem, i’m xsarax01 and i’ll send you password, or just p m me hun…
Thanks caroline!! do hope so time will fly by x x
Dont worry about one looking bigger than the other! one will heal quicker thats why they look uneven to start with. Mine were like that, and now 5 weeks has passed they look more in line XX
hi sara just had a look at yr new pics and they look really gd and their just keep getting better as time is a gd healer. Cant wait 4 my turn now.xx
hi sara
Hope ur feelin better soon, i am havin my BA next month 25 Nov 5 weeks to go iam havin 460cc,s over i am hopin that they dont look 2 big i really dont want everyone lookin at me a work, how long are u going to wait before u go bk to work. Can i have a look at ur pic on sofe if thats ok with u. Take care Hon
Hi hun thanks for your comments, means alot…dont think i need to worry too much at mo, looking forward to the next couple of weeks and seein how they look x x x
Hey Sara, just managed to have a look at your pics, they look great!!!!
I really dont think you need to worry. It looks to me as though the right has just began to drop in to place, where as the left is a bit behind. They are both going to be slightly swollen still any way aswell, and the differene in them is hardly noticable. I honestly think in a couple of weeks they will be different again. Look how much they have changed in 13 days!!! They are looking brilliant though, congrats!!!
I cant wait for mine!
Thanks Jo, just a bit concerned, need to give in time i know
I’ll email you girls now x x x
Hi sara, my ba friday!! can i see your pics please, my email is
Thanx xx
Hi girls, ive added some more photos…on picturetrail and sofem…for those who have already seen them its the same passwords…
If your on sofem pm me for password, username is xsarax01 for those who want to look on picturetrail give me your email and i’ll send you details…
I’m a bit concerned at mo and could do with some adivce if poss…from post op girls…
I had 380 and 410 overs, all along my left boob which had the bigger implant has been higher and bigger, within the last 2 days it has gone smaller than my right, doesnt really make sense??
I’m also experiencing alot of soreness…sort of burning sensation/sunburn type soreness…is this all normal?
Bit concerned about the sizes at mo, just hope it sorts itself out, my right one has def dropped x x x
Thank girls, yes i will give it time…i worry baout the smallest things, silly really…
April…i got that bra from the la senza website…
Sbear whats your email hun and i’ll email you now…I was originally a 32/34a/b, 2 different sizes and had 380 and 410 overs x x
Hi Sara
Any chance you could email me the link for photos on pic trail?
What size were you before?
Ohhh, i hope your not in too much pain! Agree with April with the size thing, def give it at least 6 weeks. My friends were uneven for most of that time (quite noticably aswell) and after 3 months they have evened out.
Congratulations on your new very lovely boobs!!!! An thankyou so much for sharing, i think you have nothing to worry about, and considering the 13day post-op pics, they look really great, i think you should wait atleast 4 more weeks before questioning the smaller look of the left breast, i think they have both yet to drop into position yet, try not to worry! :clap: Well done on a speedy recovery.
also that pink sports bra looked great, where’s that from? xxx
Hi hun ive just emailed you now, for picturetrail…they are the same photos as on sofem x x
Sara, please can you send me your password via email, i can’t send a private message on Sofem, it says you need to enter a 5 digit security number, but there’s no option for it??!
Thankyou Sara xx
Sara, i’ve just tried to send private message, but it wont send??? I copied and pasted youre username, any ideas??? REALLY wanna see em!!!! 🙁
Thanks hun, i know its still early stages…just weird how the left one was bigger all along now its smaller! lol xx
Thankyou Sara! Will try and Private message you on there now, still figuring out there website, (it’s not the greatest!!)
And from what i’ve been reading and hearing from freinds post op, you shouldn’t worry or analyze them atal for atleast 6-8 weeks, and a freind of mine said her’s didn’t settle for 6 months, and another, who went BIG said they didn’t settle for nearly 12 months!!!!… Hope this helps. :peace:
Give your co-ordinator a ring and she will help you.
Good luck, will try and view your pics now. xxx
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