ADMISSION TIME!? Started by: Abbie

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  • Abbie 4

    So my admission time is 12pm on wednesday… they then said my op could be anytime between 1-3 hours after my admission time. I know your not supposed to eat 6 hours before but is that 6 hours before my admission time or like 6 hours before 1pm? help 🙁 x

    Nicola 12

    6 hours before your admission time my admission time was 12pm and at 12:40pm I was going down for surgery x

    Abbie 4

    awwww okay thank you xx

    Abby 7

    I eat 8pm thurs my admission time was 11am friday and i went down 6pm i hadnt eaten for 24hrs by time id come out of surgery xxx

    Nicola 12

    I’d wake up and have breakfast at 5:30am and go back to bed that’s what I did it’s along time to go without food, Plus your body is going to be having a lot of medication. I don’t know about everyone else but I couldn’t manage tea and toast as my mouth was so try was like eating a dry weetabix

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