Admission Time Started by: Amy

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  • Amy 2

    Hi all, I’m getting my breast enlargement tomorrow šŸ˜ my admission time is 10am but I’m guessing i won’t be whisked off for surgery as soon as I step through the doors, so how long did you all have to wait until you were taken for the surgery? Xx


    How did your surgery go? How long was it until you were seen after admission

    Amy 2

    Surgery was absolutely fine. I was taken in for surgery at about midday as there are quite a few pre-op medical checks completed.


    Iā€™m getting mine done in 4 days, what happens when you get into the hospital,

    Amy 2

    When i first arrivee there is a couple of forms to complete at reception when checking in, one of them being a menu of food choices for after the op! I was then asked for a urine sample. After this i was shown to my room where I was left to change into the gown etc then the anesthetist popped in to talk me through everything. I did feel like I was repeating my medical history over and over again to different people which was exhausting. Shortly after seeing the anesthetist I was taken for surgery. My admission was at 10 and I was taken for surgery about midday. There’s a lot going on in the run up though so the time passes quickly. Good luck, you will be fine. Just take it easy when coming round after the GA, I felt very groggy and faint but the staff at the Harley Hospital were brilliant in calming me down and looking after me.

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