admission time Started by: Sian

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  • Sian 2

    MTY just called me. My admission time for Highgate is 12.30 on 19th Feb..
    My tummy is now flipping. Its taken me 7 yrs to pluck up the courage to book this and I’ve been unhappy with my tummy from when I was 17 and had my first baby.

    OMG OMG OMG. its really happening. This time next week I will be at home (got to stay in hospital for 2 nights) covered in stitches and thinking…. What have I done to myself.

    Gemma -1

    Ooh so exciting 🙂 Im in the day before at first trust and still not got mine :/ Wish they would hurry up cant wait to know what time 🙂 xx


    2 days in hospital is a very wise decision and will help you handle the surgery in the best way.
    I didn’t question what I was doing to myself until after my op so kudos for preparing in that way too.
    I wish you well love x

    Sian 2

    Mr Singh wanted me to stay in for two days because of the extent of my surgery. I’ve been preparing my mind for a few weeks now. Questioning myself as to whether this really Is the right thing to do.

    Im sure I will be a blubbering mess on way to hospital.. poor hubby lol

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