admission time 9.30 tomorrow Preston eak. Started by: victoria

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    So need to be at preston at 9.30 tomorrow, wow its going to be an early start! Leave about 4.30am to 5.00.
    Any last tips or what to take fir a day case would be really appreciated thank u girls.
    Not really nervous yet but VERY EXCITED HEHE 🙂 XX


    I had my opp yesterday at Preston. Everything went well, I was in theatre 2 hours after my admission time and then on my way home 3 and half hours later 🙂 you’ll be absolutely fine Hun. I went down in a comfy track suit (jacket had a zip up front) and also come home in that… I also took a magazine, iPad, slippers, dressing gown and then a couple of snacks! Who’s doing your opp Hun xxx


    Thank u huni. Never even thought about snaxs for after or magazine.
    Good to hear the stay isnt overly long,
    im having dr.traynor…..who did u have?
    Having 800cc, think the nerves r settling in nicely now lol xx


    Hi hun good luck I’m booked in for Sunday at Doncaster when did u get admission time I’m still waiting for mine !! X x


    Aw try not to be too nervous. It all goes so fast and it was no where near as bad as I expected honestly. I had Mr Mounir, 425cc. Good luck Hun xxx

    Trace 158

    Hey Victoria, I’m hoping to have Mr Traynor on 5 November, just want to meet him before I put the deposit down!!

    Wow 800s? What size are you post op and what do you want to achieve? I’m an empty 34/36b. No idea what size I want to be!! I want the biggest my body can handle without them looking too fake!! So will leave it up to him!!

    Hope you don’t mind the add, I’d like to know how it goes.

    Good luck x

    tara beach 2

    Good luck Hun xx


    Hi Victoria. I must be after you. My admission time is 10:30 with Mr Traynor. Feeling a little sick with nerves right now. xx


    Thanks ladies. Wish I was feeling more excited but it doesnt quite feel real yet haha. Im an empty 36c and asked for G or anywhere around that size. Im 5ft8 size 12 around 11stone so the size will finally make me feel like my body is im proportion. Just hope all goes well 🙂 oh and dr.traynor is amazing. He has the kind of humor that I like and I feel SUPER safe in his hands.
    Im sure we will be fine D. I hear that dr.traynor only uses the same anithatist and nurses so they must be a really good team and like I say I feel safe in his hands so we will be fine hun.
    Well I better say goodnight……have to be up at 3.45 for a long journey to my new boobies yaay lol.
    Will let u all know how it went and good luck D and to everyone else xxxx


    Oh and had ny addmission time about 2 days ago I think hun xx

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