Oh gosh sorry to hear tht hun! If it’s any consolation I’m pretty sure u don’t have to have a chaperone to take u there if ur able to get transport to the hospital but u do obviously need someone to pick u up. If it’s a straight forward ba the op is about an hour and defo less than two. Saying that though u could be out by 4/5 or later in the evening.
There may have been priority changes based on a medical need of another patient which is why this has occurred. Someone maybe a higher risk in theatre as tht was the case for me.
All u can do is contact them first thing tomorrow and send an email to ur pc if you haven’t already done so. As rebooking ur date so close to ur op day would most likely incur a charge and there is no guarantee they will be able to give u an early slot next time either.
All the best fxx