Admission time for op Started by: Claire

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  • Claire

    Hey girls! I’ve got my op on Monday in Preston and im dying to know what time my op is! Mya have said I find out about 3 days before but was wondering if its worth calling up to find out? I’m guessing with me being a day case my op will be early in the day? xx

    Yalouise 1

    Hi Claire! I’m having my op there on monday, theyve just called me to tell me my admission time is 8am!! but the 1st train from newcastle doesnt get into preston until 8.50! arghhh so shes going to ask if I can have it pushed back…I thought being an overnight case I would have a later one!

    hopefully they can change it a little!

    have you heard anything yet?? xxxx


    I just got a call to say I need to be there at 8am also! How exciting! I just hope im not waiting around hospital all day waiting to have it done lol xx

    Yalouise 1

    they’ve just got back to me saying my admission times 9.30 now which suits me much better!! yayyy so excited 🙂 xxx

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