Admission time, worried! Started by: Courtney

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  • Courtney 7

    I’m having my surgery on Monday, got an 11am admission time which is great for me!

    I’m worried about size, I chose 375cc UHP overs but I’m scared they’ll be too small???? I think I’m over thinking it now it’s so close 🙁

    Rael 20

    When you had your consultation did you select three implant sizes with your surgeon to be ordered?
    For example I got 400cc, 425cc and 450cc, so on the day I had an option to choose. If you did and you ordered a bigger size than 375cc then you will be fine to change this on Monday.

    However if you didn’t, you need to try and arrange a consultation with your surgeon as soon as possible, like today, as they need at least 48hours before your operation to order in the implants.

    I would suggest calling into MYA and asking to speak to your patient coordinator x

    Courtney 7

    I was offered up to 400cc but chose 375cc, my surgeon ordered 320, 350 and 375.
    I think the 375cc suited my frame, I think I’m just nervous. It’s my first operation, and I don’t want to spend £5000 and they be too small, but in the other hand I don’t want them too big haha.

    Think I’m going to search before and afters of 375cc implants!x

    Rael 20

    I do think everyone is the same of having these thoughts.

    Just so you know my personal preference I do feel like the surgeons play down the size of the implants and what I mean by this is I feel like for some reason they try to encourage people to go smaller.

    I chose the implants 450cc and my surgeon kept saying to me that it is a really big size and kept making me feel like :/ are they going to be massive. I am only 4 days post op but I do feel like they are a lot smaller than what I thought they would be and I do wish that I went bigger x

    Stacey 496

    I’ve got to agree with @rael on this one Hun I defo think the implants arnt as big as the sizer make them look either I’ve had 600cc overs but they arnt as big as I was panicking about so glad I didn’t go down a smaller size I read somewhere that once the implant is in you lose 20% of the implant size I’ve know idea how true that is tho as like I say I’ve just read that xxx


    I had 350cc yesterday i literally had nothing before and it’s made a huge difference I’m really happy with my results. What are your stats? I’m only a tiny frame size 6 32/34a so these are perfect for me xxx


    Hi Courtney.

    I am a similar height to you and I am also getting 375 high profile overs and my surgeon said this will take me to a D cup. I think you’ll be fine with that size too! Xx

    Laura 47

    Hi! I had 375 hp overs yesterday but I’m a size 10 so I won’t project as much as you smaller girls! At the moment they are ginormous but I know they will go down a lot! X

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