Advice and help please Started by: Jones

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  • Jones

    Hi, I’m 24 and considering a labiaplasty. I’m not sure if my case is that ‘bad’ as such because I’ve never spoken to anyone about it or really seen that many vaginas to compare it to. It’s something though I’ve always struggled with and every relationship I’ve ever been in I feel i ruin for myself just by being so scared of having sex because I’m so conscious of it. Please can someone who’s had this surgery help me out a bit and if anyone has before and after pictures (extremely personal I know, so if this is too much of an ask I completely understand) then I would be extremely grateful. I just want to be sure before I go ahead because it’s not something I can afford so I’d have to take out a loan or something. I would just like to enjoy a normal life and I this could be extremely helpful

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