Hi Beckie, my op is in 2 days time and so far I am very happy with the service I have received. My PC is/was very helpful and quick to reply to any messages I send her and my meeting with the preop nurse was very helpful and friendly.
Dr Traynor was actually lovely despite the fact that he doesn’t really speak to people about odd things he just gets on with the job, no small talk!
I will probably be posting about my op day so you can keep an eye out if you fancy it.
I’m about a 34A /small B and having 450cc High Profile Overs. Dr Traynor told me that I would be having round implants due to the current shape of my own and that they would be high profile and overs because “there’s no point putting itty bitty implants in someone your (my) size!” -I completely trusted his decision of him offerring me 400, 425 and 450cc to try on and choose from.
Hope this helps you somehow x